Re: emulsion Speed test

From: Joao Ribeiro (
Date: Fri Jan 21 2000 - 20:08:53 /etc/localtime

Hi Sandy,

> I don't think your method will work. First, your assumption about adjusting
> the meter's ISO has no basis in theory,

No it doesn't, that's why I posted it, to learn more about it :)

> Second, as mentioned by Dave, reciprocity will thrown everything
> off. Third, flare from the optical system of the enlarging lens would
> invalidate the results. ...I (contrast index) because, as we know, varying
> development
> from low contrast to high contrast results in a variation of the effective
> speed point of a film.

I agree with all of that, and I have no intention to determine things as the
industry does.
I don't need that accuracy, I am just willing to use emulsions, home made or
not, to coat papers / glass/ acrylics to use inside cameras that can,
eventually be pinhole ones.
So, it will be slow and orthochromatic and I just needed a point to start.
I think Dave solved that.


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