Re: emulsion Speed test

From: Joao Ribeiro (
Date: Fri Jan 21 2000 - 20:08:48 /etc/localtime

Hi Dave,

> Well, my point of suggesting the use of reflective step tablet is because it
> gives you a density range of about 1.8 (6 stops). What you can do is to
> roughly guess an iso, shoot a step tablet and bracket with +/- 6 stops! Now
> you have an equivalent of 18-stop exposures, and I am sure one of them will
> give you the required density of 0.1 + b+f.
> The step tablet does not need to be calibrated. You can even project a
> transmission step tablet onto silver-gelatin step tablet. The steps will not
> be evenly spaced in density, but as long as it gives you the 1.8 density
> range, you can do the calculation based on the densities of the steps. I
> don't think I am being clear, but I assume you know what I mean. If not, let
> me know and I will get into the calculation part. :-)

You are absolutely right!It took me sometime to realize what you were saying,
Thanks a lot


> Dave Soemarko
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