Re: Dektol

From: Richard Knoppow (
Date: Mon Jan 24 2000 - 02:22:11 /etc/localtime

At 10:58 AM 01/23/2000 -0600, you wrote:
> Any chance you could post the formula for the Kodak Ektonol? Sound's an
>interesting one! Do they have a published formula for it since it's a Kodak
> Amy Cutting
  Ektonol is proprietary, there is no published formula. The MSDS lists the
ingredients by percentage weight. I suspect one of the chemists among us
(I'm not one) could probably figure out pretty much how to make the stuff.
The MSDS is on the Kodak site at
  The MSDS for Kodak materials there are newer than the ones at which is usually the best place to find MSDS on the web.

Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles,Ca.

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