Re: Lith Printing for alternative processes

From: Julian Smart (
Date: Wed Jan 26 2000 - 20:55:03 /etc/localtime

>Regarding lith printing a la Tim Rudman,,,,,I have done some experimenting

>with the is very beautiful.....hopefully I will get my
>updated soon and will include some of my images. But,,,,here is the main
>ingredient you will need....A RADIO OR CD PLAYER. Waiting for 10 minutes
>those prints to come out can be a long process without entertainment! Tim

>mentions this in his book and I definately agree.

>Karin Kelly-Burns


I couldn't agree more. I give myself the chance to exercise my (usually)
lousy singing voice. It's like the bathroom, only ten times larger and the
accoustics are better. I liked Garimo's suggestion of a T.V., can't figure
out how I could get a reliable safelight test though!

Julia Smart.

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