Re: Shroud of Turin - Yes, it counts.

From: Ray Rogers (
Date: Fri Jan 28 2000 - 19:14:02 /etc/localtime

--- garimo <> wrote:

> does this count?
--- regarding the queastion:

> >Can anyone point to a work of art in which the view
is presented with reversed polarity, (as it would be
in a normal negative?

I may have missed your point. If so, I apologize. But
I belive that...

Yes it does count since
the question being addressed was if the shroud was a
deception created by artists during the time of Da

The Shroud looks to me as if it is a NEGATIVE of a
white male*

I HAVE DOUBTS that reversed polarity images of people
were found in art until AFTER the advent of the
neg-pos photographic processes.

*(not a positive of a black male)
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