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Re: Post-Factory
On Wed, 1 Mar 2000, Darryl Gage wrote:
> Sorry for my ignorance, but what is Post-Factory and how can I check it out?
> Any online or print publication which provides me with information is of
> interest to me. Thanks.
> Darryl Gage Forestville, NY
> http://www.netsync.net/users/dgage
Hi Darryl,
Thanks for asking my favorite question. I'd have answered sooner except my
ESP (evil service provider) was down all last night. (They blame it on
*their* service provider... as usual.)
The World Journal of Post-Factory Photography is a twice-yearly print
publication, acclaimed by readers as the world's BEST alternative
photograpy magazine, and "a perfect combo of art and techspeak." (That it
may be the world's ONLY alternative photography magazine is beside the
point -- it's "well received.")
When Issue #4 came out (January 2000), I offered it to anyone on the list
as a free introductory copy for the cost of the postage. I'll send you
that e-mail (and gladly to anyone else who requests), and tell you where
to send the postage, OFFLIST. (Sorry I can't send it entirely free, but
the operation is VERY non-profit, and takes no advertising.)
Thanks again for asking.
| Judy Seigel, Editor >
| World Journal of Post-Factory Photography > "HOW-TO and WHY"
| info@post-factory.org >
| <http://rmp.opusis.com/postfactory/postfactory.html>