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Re: Xerox transfer et al

As I said before, I agree with all of this as a general statement; my
point was the unfairness of using these arguments specifically in the
context of questioning Wilhelm's research, when as far as I can see none
of the points made are true of the article that was used to suggest that
Wilhelm's research may be tainted somehow. That's my whole point. I
think we've both made our positions clear, and I hope this is the end of
Katharine Thayer

> It is hard to describe how I view the reports or other reports of the same
> type. I don't doubt the credibility in a sense that I don't think there is
> any lie or untruth in them, but I just wanted to point out that in reading
> these kind of reports (those with some publicity and marketing intended), one
> must read with almost extreme literal sense (with no additional feeling
> added) because they are not simply technical reports that contain only bare
> facts;  they also contain carefully crafted and placed wording to give a lot
> of impression and feeling.
etc etc etc