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Re: One process over another
Hi Suzanne,
I make "cyan-o-dykes", too. I can tell you that in my experience I haven't
been able to duplicate my results either. However, I have found that it is
very beneficial to grossly overexpose the cyanotype. Also, try diluting the
van dyke brown with one or two parts water (1:1 or 1:2). Good luck and keep
>From: Suzanne Izzo <izzos@gusun.georgetown.edu>
>Reply-To: alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca
>To: alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca
>Subject: Re: One process over another
>Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 22:11:42 -0500 (EST)
>It has been interesting reading the posts about combining two
>processes since it is one of my favorite ways to print.
>I realize, however, that I may be doing this somewhat differently from
>what others are reporting. I think others are talking about using the
>same negative (or perhaps differently exposed negatives for highlights and
>shadows) for the two processes used. I sometimes do this, but more often
>I print one process with the negative and the other process with the
>positive. The gum on top of either cyan or VD seems to change the
>character of the original print, but I don't see the dichromate as
>bleaching out the silver of the VD. There was also a question about
>gelatin interferring; since I don't size, there isn't any gelatin in the
>mix for me, so I can't comment on this.
>As for VD over cyan, I have one successful print: two very different
>negatives one printed in VD and one in cyan producing a rather surreal
>composite. I have never been able to duplicate this. Usually, as soon as
>I apply the top coat, the original image disappears. A few days ago, I
>tried again, and the coating went fine. However, when I put the print in
>the wash after the second exposure, practically everything washed
>out. For me, using gum for the second coat is the way to go.
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