Re: cyanotype as negative

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From: Andre Fuhrmann (
Date: 11/21/00-08:19:36 AM Z

>.. the difference between using a pinhole and a lens is considerable


>and so is the difference between the time the old cyanotype takes and that
>of a salted paper print.

Hmmm ... I recently prepared POP according to Liam Lawless's
instructions in PF (many thanks, Liam!). The sensitivity proved to
be about 2/3 of that of my Olde Cyanotype paper (cy 6 to 8, POP 10 to
12 minutes with a UV lamp, including the much heavier overprinting
required for POP).

>On printing-out-paper (about the same speed as
>salted paper)...

I only once prepared salted paper and that recorded vvvery much
quicker than my POP (though, on the whole, it was a failure).

>But even if one could produce a cyanotype negative, it probably
>wouldn't work very well since blue lets blue light through instead
>of holding it back and most non-silver processes are sensitive to
>actinic light which includes blue wavelength as well as
>ultra-violet. Am I wrong about this?

I was wondering about that too. I should think this depends on the
emulsion you are printing to. Only experiment will tell ...


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