Alt-photo-process-l November 2000
By Author

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426 Messages
Starting:06/25/00-08:50:53 AM Z Ending:12/01/00-12:38:03 AM Z

AuthorSubject Date
 Re: Virus warning11/13/00-08:18:44 AM Z
 Virus warning11/12/00-10:57:12 AM Z
 Re: Developing color film in b&w chemicals11/07/00-11:36:53 PM Z
 chrysotype: formulas & literature sources11/07/00-09:46:50 AM Z
 Re: inkjet negs?11/05/00-01:33:56 PM Z
 Re: Buxton paper11/05/00-12:49:25 PM Z
 Re: inkjet negs?11/05/00-12:27:36 PM Z
 Re: Buxton paper11/05/00-09:41:11 AM Z
 Re: problems with carbon printing11/05/00-09:24:25 AM Z
 Re: Buxton paper11/05/00-09:09:44 AM Z
 Re: inkjet negs? - slow drying and unsharp details11/05/00-01:01:52 AM Z
 Buxton paper11/05/00-01:29:53 AM Z
 problems with carbon printing11/05/00-01:30:05 AM Z
 Re: D2311/01/00-01:04:51 PM Z
Amanda Lane
 Re: commercial gravure11/21/00-05:48:36 AM Z
 Platine11/06/00-11:14:08 AM Z
 Buxton11/06/00-10:16:47 AM Z
 Re: Buxton paper11/05/00-10:55:56 AM Z
Amy Hahn
 unsubscribe11/29/00-05:27:51 PM Z
Andre Fuhrmann
 Re: cyanotype as negative11/21/00-08:19:36 AM Z
 Re: Contact frames11/20/00-07:31:12 AM Z
 Re: beginner11/20/00-07:21:06 AM Z
Andrei Harwell
 RE: inkjet negs? - slow drying and unsharp details11/05/00-12:06:20 PM Z
 RE: New Kodak Scanner11/02/00-12:00:11 PM Z
 pre-wash Arches Platine for Pt/Pd printing?11/05/00-01:09:27 PM Z
 Mapplethorpe's platinum prints11/04/00-10:37:58 AM Z
 Re: direct positive11/20/00-10:01:59 PM Z
Belén Martíne
 RE: Developing color film in b&w chemicals11/17/00-08:26:09 AM Z
 RE: Developing color film in b&w chemicals11/16/00-10:02:35 PM Z
 RE: Developing color film in b&w chemicals11/16/00-12:40:35 PM Z
 Developing color film in b&w chemicals11/15/00-07:53:37 PM Z
Bill Collins
 Re: cyanotype as negative11/21/00-08:35:22 AM Z
 Re: Issues11/02/00-06:12:39 AM Z
 Re: photo history lecture11/03/00-12:38:36 PM Z
 Re: commercial gravure11/21/00-04:40:45 AM Z
 Re: Virus warning11/21/00-04:23:14 AM Z
 Re: Mercury WARNINGS11/18/00-01:58:18 AM Z
 Re: Mercury WARNINGS11/18/00-02:17:54 AM Z
 Re: Mercury WARNINGS11/17/00-03:59:57 PM Z
 Re: direct positive11/17/00-04:47:40 AM Z
 Re: Mercury WARNINGS11/16/00-06:34:59 PM Z
 Re: Mercury ban and Dags11/16/00-04:26:02 PM Z
 Re: Buxton paper11/11/00-02:58:35 AM Z
 Re: variables testing (was Re: Buxton paper11/07/00-02:23:45 AM Z
 Re: Variable Testing11/06/00-05:28:44 PM Z
 Re: variables testing (was Re: Buxton paper11/06/00-05:20:02 PM Z
 Re: inkjet negs? CONSISTENCY11/06/00-03:06:54 AM Z
 Re: inkjet negs? CONSISTENCY11/05/00-04:15:49 PM Z
 Re: inkjet negs? - slow drying and unsharp details11/05/00-04:16:02 AM Z
 Re: problems with carbon printing11/05/00-04:18:14 AM Z
 Re: Buxton paper11/05/00-04:08:32 AM Z
 Re: Photo History and (much-needed) Quaalude distribution program11/03/00-10:18:50 PM Z
 Flashed Glass11/03/00-06:51:16 PM Z
 Re: photo history lecture11/03/00-06:00:56 PM Z
 Re: photo history lecture11/03/00-05:56:14 PM Z
 Re: photo history lecture11/03/00-04:39:10 PM Z
 Re: photo history lecture11/03/00-04:01:18 PM Z
 Re: photo history lecture11/03/00-04:06:29 PM Z
 Re: photo history lecture11/03/00-03:51:43 PM Z
Bob Kiss
 KENRO IZU11/05/00-04:50:24 PM Z
 TWO THINGS11/04/00-10:41:30 PM Z
Brian Ellis
 Re: Contact frames11/14/00-04:29:38 PM Z
 Re: Ground Glass Search11/04/00-03:37:54 PM Z
 Re: photo history lecture11/03/00-03:22:14 PM Z
Brigitte Harper
 Re: cyanotype as negative11/23/00-09:03:17 AM Z
 Re: cyanotype as negative11/23/00-08:48:12 AM Z
Bussey, Linda
 Alternative photography11/01/00-10:17:52 AM Z
Byron & Lety Brauchli
 RE: RE: gravure11/22/00-02:33:36 PM Z
 RE: RE: gravure11/17/00-12:32:31 PM Z
Carl Weese
 Re: Palladium11/30/00-10:03:22 AM Z
 Re: Platinum Printing with 665 negative11/30/00-07:15:44 AM Z
 Re: pyro, densitomters and life11/18/00-05:39:32 AM Z
 Re: gravure11/15/00-11:20:10 AM Z
 Re: Contact frames11/14/00-06:57:25 AM Z
 Re: platinum/palladium workshops in Northern California11/06/00-02:55:36 PM Z
 Re: somewhat off-topic: transparencies of alt prints11/06/00-08:32:35 AM Z
 Re: pre-wash Arches Platine for Pt/Pd printing?11/06/00-06:24:35 AM Z
 Re: pre-wash Arches Platine for Pt/Pd printing?11/05/00-01:54:29 PM Z
 Re: Pack for 7x17 camera.11/03/00-08:10:39 AM Z
 Re: Bromoil Workshops11/02/00-06:19:45 AM Z
Christina Z. Anderson
 attaching photos to aluminum11/28/00-11:10:29 AM Z
 archival attachment to aluminum11/25/00-12:35:37 PM Z
 SPE conference in Savannah11/18/00-06:33:48 PM Z
 Re: Buxton paper11/05/00-10:51:00 AM Z
 Re: TWO THINGS (Survey results, too)11/05/00-12:34:08 AM Z
 photo history lecture11/02/00-09:39:11 AM Z
 Re: Palladium11/30/00-02:54:13 PM Z
Craig Jordan
 Re: Mercury WARNINGS11/17/00-01:57:31 PM Z
Craig Koshyk
 Custom made paper11/07/00-04:25:29 PM Z
 Re: pre-wash Arches Platine for Pt/Pd printing?11/05/00-05:50:35 PM Z
Darlington Media Group
 Re: Toning cyanotypes11/25/00-03:13:46 PM Z
Darryl Baird
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit11/26/00-06:27:41 PM Z
 Re: hemp paper11/25/00-02:07:05 PM Z
 All Gum Show online exhibit11/11/00-10:05:50 PM Z
Dave Rose
 Blowin' dust off the 4X512/01/00-12:38:03 AM Z
 Re: ABC Pyro11/27/00-08:15:41 AM Z
 Re: ABC Pyro11/26/00-04:47:29 PM Z
 ABC Pyro11/26/00-02:04:49 PM Z
david lawrence
 Re: inkjet negs?11/04/00-07:43:46 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit11/29/00-03:35:49 PM Z
 Re: Palladium11/30/00-08:43:29 AM Z
 Re: Mercury ban and Dags11/16/00-11:26:10 AM Z
 Spread it On Thick11/13/00-02:56:40 PM Z
 John Rudiak11/01/00-09:57:07 PM Z
Don Bryant
 Re: Palladium11/30/00-10:24:34 PM Z
 Re: 1% Selenium solution11/29/00-09:43:20 PM Z
 1% Selenium solution11/28/00-10:56:12 PM Z
 Gevatone NP3111/19/00-06:28:43 PM Z
 Re: Buxton paper11/05/00-08:55:37 AM Z
e n
 Re: D2311/01/00-01:38:08 PM Z
Ed Stander
 RE: Maco Genius film/paper11/17/00-07:54:21 AM Z
 Dichromate orders - an update11/13/00-07:40:01 PM Z
 Does anyone need Potassium Dichromate?11/06/00-01:57:44 PM Z
Emma feldman
 Re: Palladium11/30/00-11:04:47 AM Z
 Re: Palladium11/30/00-10:25:02 AM Z
 Palladium11/30/00-08:31:51 AM Z
Eric Neilsen
 Re: Maco Genius film/paper11/17/00-08:22:40 PM Z
 Re: Maco Genius film/paper11/17/00-10:13:01 AM Z
 Metal prices (Re: chrysotype and 21 steps)11/17/00-10:10:47 AM Z
 Re: chrysotype and 21 steps11/17/00-10:08:36 AM Z
 Re: Buxton paper11/10/00-08:03:28 PM Z
 Re: Buxton paper11/06/00-10:39:06 PM Z
 Quaalude distribution program or Gestalt Chatroom11/04/00-01:16:39 AM Z
 Sources of mercury11/17/00-02:36:32 PM Z
 Mercury ban and Dags11/16/00-10:52:06 AM Z
 Contact frames11/14/00-02:51:43 AM Z
 Re: Alternative Processes In Paris11/13/00-01:02:36 AM Z
 Pt/Pd Uses in Auto Industry06/25/00-08:50:53 AM Z
 Photo History and (much-needed) Quaalude distribution program11/03/00-09:59:33 PM Z
 Re: Custom made paper11/07/00-08:11:04 PM Z
 Re: Platinum Printing with 665 negative11/30/00-01:50:54 PM Z
 Traveling Portfolio11/29/00-10:28:28 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit11/29/00-03:04:40 PM Z
Galina Manikova
 Re: attaching photos to aluminum11/28/00-05:00:54 PM Z
Garet Denise
 Re: inkjet negs? - slow drying and unsharp details11/05/00-06:56:21 PM Z
 Re: chrysotype and 21 steps11/17/00-10:42:44 AM Z
 Re: chrysotype and 21 steps11/16/00-10:51:40 PM Z
 Re: chrysotype and 21 steps11/16/00-08:24:33 PM Z
Gary Miller
 Re: platinum/palladium workshops in Northern California11/06/00-07:10:28 PM Z
Gary Shank
 Re: archival attachment to aluminum11/28/00-08:45:21 PM Z
George Huczek
 Gum on Platinum11/07/00-05:57:56 PM Z
 Re: keeping gelatin11/13/00-02:38:24 PM Z
 Re: Alternative Processes In Paris11/13/00-11:21:04 AM Z
Greg Schmitz
 Re: Mercury WARNINGS11/16/00-08:59:11 PM Z
Gregory Parkinson
 Re: photo history lecture11/03/00-06:10:12 PM Z
 Re: photo history lecture11/03/00-06:08:58 PM Z
 Re: photo history lecture11/03/00-05:48:26 PM Z
 Ground Glass Search11/04/00-02:32:58 PM Z
 commercial gravure11/20/00-09:15:49 PM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder11/27/00-12:00:00 AM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder11/20/00-12:00:00 AM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder11/13/00-12:00:01 AM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder11/06/00-12:00:00 AM Z
 Alt-Photo Monthly Reminder11/01/00-12:00:00 AM Z
Isaac Crawford
 Re: Digital negs posts as attachments11/06/00-05:55:47 PM Z
 inkjet negs?11/04/00-06:39:33 PM Z
Istvan Bibo
 precipitate11/24/00-01:19:13 PM Z
 Re: direct positive11/23/00-04:32:14 AM Z
 Re: direct positive11/20/00-07:21:52 AM Z
 direct positive11/17/00-03:57:52 AM Z
J. Wayde Allen
 Re: variables testing (was Re: Buxton paper11/09/00-09:45:59 AM Z
 Re: variables testing (was Re: Buxton paper11/08/00-05:43:54 PM Z
 Re: variables testing (was Re: Buxton paper11/08/00-11:52:10 AM Z
 Re: variables testing11/07/00-04:03:11 PM Z
 Re: variables testing (was Re: Buxton paper11/06/00-09:47:43 PM Z
 Re: variables testing (was Re: Buxton paper11/06/00-06:02:36 PM Z
 Variable Testing11/06/00-03:18:01 PM Z
 Re: variables testing (was Re: Buxton paper11/06/00-02:50:00 PM Z
 Re: Buxton paper11/06/00-12:24:11 PM Z
 Re: Buxton paper11/06/00-10:33:49 AM Z
 Re: D2311/02/00-10:27:16 AM Z
Jack Fulton
 Re: keeping gelatin11/15/00-11:03:21 AM Z
 Re: Contact frames11/15/00-10:50:16 AM Z
 Re: keeping gelatin11/13/00-11:50:00 PM Z
James Hollenbeck
 Re: Maco Genius film/paper11/17/00-05:22:19 PM Z
James Romeo
 Re: Ground Glass Search man in PA11/04/00-07:01:12 PM Z
James Young
 Re: Palladium11/30/00-10:57:26 PM Z
 Re: Palladium11/30/00-07:01:32 PM Z
 Toning cyanotypes11/22/00-04:57:05 PM Z
Jason Revell
 Maco Genius film/paper11/17/00-06:10:26 AM Z
Jean-Daniel LEMOINE
 A french site dedicated to the french photo-mecanical processes in the 19th century11/15/00-10:34:50 AM Z
Jeffrey D. Mathias
 Re: Mercury WARNINGS11/17/00-07:19:49 AM Z
 Re: pre-wash Arches Platine for Pt/Pd printing?11/07/00-05:36:39 AM Z
 Re: Buxton paper11/06/00-01:36:12 PM Z
 Re: Buxton paper11/06/00-11:24:13 AM Z
 Re: pre-wash Arches Platine for Pt/Pd printing?11/06/00-06:27:29 AM Z
 Re: Mapplethorpe's platinum prints11/05/00-07:02:50 AM Z
Jeffrey Krenzel
 platinum/palladium workshops in Northern California11/06/00-01:59:43 PM Z
 ALPS printer11/06/00-09:55:35 AM Z
 Re: photo history lecture11/03/00-10:37:23 AM Z
 curtains for dem pinholes11/01/00-11:23:15 PM Z
 Re: pre-wash Arches Platine for Pt/Pd printing?11/06/00-11:31:21 PM Z
 Re: Egos and postings11/06/00-11:06:38 PM Z
Jim Murphy
 Re: Digital negs posts as attachments11/06/00-11:01:21 AM Z
Joe Portale
 pyro, densitomters and life11/17/00-09:05:41 PM Z
 Re: Texts on Alternative Photography11/03/00-02:48:53 PM Z
 Re: Texts on Alternative Photography11/03/00-09:05:19 AM Z
John Prokos
 Platinum Printing with 665 negative11/30/00-05:19:28 AM Z
John Yeo
 Re: Mercury WARNINGS11/17/00-09:59:11 PM Z
Jonathan Bailey
 RE: archival attachment to aluminum11/26/00-08:53:19 AM Z
 RE: Toning cyanotypes11/22/00-05:36:20 PM Z
 RE: Bromoil Workshops11/02/00-08:06:04 AM Z
Judy Seigel
 Re: Palladium11/30/00-01:01:08 PM Z
 Re: Toning cyanotypes11/25/00-02:11:25 PM Z
 Re: archival attachment to aluminum11/25/00-01:54:41 PM Z
 Post-Factory the Fifth11/23/00-01:24:48 AM Z
 Re: direct positive11/20/00-01:58:19 PM Z
 Re: direct positive11/17/00-01:21:55 PM Z
 Revocation of Independence (fwd)11/16/00-02:00:10 PM Z
 Re: Contact frames11/14/00-02:27:02 PM Z
 Re: keeping gelatin11/14/00-02:03:35 PM Z
 keeping gelatin11/13/00-01:53:27 PM Z
 Re: variables testing (was Re: Buxton paper11/09/00-03:51:20 PM Z
 Re: variables testing (was Re: Buxton paper11/09/00-03:45:08 PM Z
 Re: variables testing (was Re: Buxton paper11/08/00-04:31:29 PM Z
 Re: variables testing (was Re: Buxton paper11/07/00-02:58:43 PM Z
 Re: Buxton paper11/07/00-02:05:34 PM Z
 Re: variables testing (was Re: Buxton paper11/06/00-06:55:48 PM Z
 variables testing (was Re: Buxton paper11/06/00-01:03:12 PM Z
 Re: Buxton paper11/06/00-09:52:06 AM Z
 Re: inkjet negs?11/05/00-01:10:05 PM Z
 Re: Buxton paper11/05/00-12:49:21 PM Z
 Re: photo history lecture11/03/00-02:43:21 PM Z
 Re: photo history lecture11/02/00-12:48:06 PM Z
Karl Koenig
 Re: Does anyone need Potassium Dichromate?11/13/00-06:29:43 PM Z
 Re: Gum on Platinum11/09/00-05:17:05 PM Z
 Re: Contact frames11/14/00-09:46:56 PM Z
Katharine Thayer
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit11/26/00-05:20:52 AM Z
 Re: variables testing (was Re: Buxton paper11/10/00-02:31:11 AM Z
 Re: variables testing (was Re: Buxton paper11/09/00-02:04:44 AM Z
 Re: variables testing (was Re: Buxton paper11/08/00-10:16:54 AM Z
 Re: variables testing11/07/00-07:59:44 PM Z
 Re: variables testing (was Re: Buxton paper11/07/00-05:50:03 AM Z
 Re: variables testing (was Re: Buxton paper11/06/00-09:57:41 AM Z
Keith Gerling
 RE: D2311/01/00-02:15:43 PM Z
 D2311/01/00-11:02:14 AM Z
Ken Sinclair
 Re: archival attachment to aluminum11/25/00-01:17:22 PM Z
 Re: keeping gelatin11/13/00-07:12:37 PM Z
ken watson
 RE: Flashed Glass11/04/00-08:53:24 AM Z
 Large ink jets11/03/00-11:24:37 AM Z
Kenneth Carney
 Re: Mercury WARNINGS11/19/00-08:14:57 AM Z
 Re: Palladium11/30/00-10:51:02 AM Z
 Re: Large format panchromatic sheet film11/29/00-11:32:41 AM Z
Knapp, Fred
 RE: RE: gravure11/22/00-03:22:41 PM Z
 RE: RE: gravure11/20/00-12:53:39 PM Z
 RE: RE: gravure11/17/00-09:57:02 AM Z
 RE: gravure11/16/00-10:50:48 AM Z
 RE: gravure11/15/00-12:31:17 PM Z
 gravure11/15/00-11:07:14 AM Z
Larry Roohr
 Re: inkjet negs?11/05/00-03:06:09 PM Z
 Re: inkjet negs?11/05/00-02:52:47 PM Z
 Re: Shutter curtain pinholes11/01/00-10:29:19 PM Z
 Re: chrysotype and 21 steps11/17/00-09:31:21 AM Z
Liam Lawless
 Re: direct positive11/23/00-03:45:08 AM Z
 Re: direct positive11/21/00-10:04:49 PM Z
 Re: direct positive11/20/00-10:39:45 PM Z
 Re: direct positive11/20/00-03:54:58 PM Z
 Re: keeping gelatin11/14/00-01:35:11 AM Z
Lori Hellstrom
 Alternative Processes In Paris11/12/00-10:58:27 PM Z
Luc Novovitch
 Re: Palladium11/30/00-08:50:30 PM Z
 Re: Palladium/Argyrotype11/30/00-05:08:37 PM Z
Lukas Werth
 Re: Large format panchromatic sheet film11/30/00-01:20:22 PM Z
 Re: chrysotype and 21 steps11/17/00-05:50:43 PM Z
 Re: chrysotype and 21 steps11/16/00-03:52:03 PM Z
 Re: chrysotype and 21 steps11/16/00-11:52:10 AM Z
 Re: Sodiumtungstate11/07/00-09:33:59 AM Z
 somewhat off-topic: transparencies of alt prints11/06/00-07:45:50 AM Z
Malin Hylen
 A bit of topic: online gallery11/07/00-12:51:33 PM Z
Marc Gomm
 RE: Gevatone NP3111/20/00-12:01:25 AM Z
 RE: daguerreotypist Belgium11/04/00-11:25:35 AM Z
 RE: photo history lecture11/04/00-04:40:28 AM Z
 RE: daguerreotypist Belgium11/04/00-04:34:43 AM Z
 RE: FW: daguerreotypist Belgium11/03/00-12:13:22 PM Z
 FW: daguerreotypist Belgium11/03/00-01:54:34 AM Z
Maria Olmedo
 Re: Virus warning & off topic11/21/00-10:47:37 AM Z
Mark Hooper
 Re: non-silver in the uk11/22/00-12:23:30 PM Z
 beginner11/20/00-05:35:11 AM Z
 non-silver in the uk11/14/00-08:05:15 AM Z
Mats Broberg
 Thanks!11/30/00-02:22:47 PM Z
 Large format panchromatic sheet film11/29/00-10:21:14 AM Z
 Re: archival attachment to aluminum11/25/00-03:04:58 PM Z
Maureen E. Duncan
 Re: photo history lecture11/03/00-04:51:28 PM Z
Michael Goldbard
 Re: Pack for 7x17 camera.11/03/00-10:40:12 AM Z
Michael Mutmansky
 Re: Pack for 7x1711/03/00-11:59:12 AM Z
 Problems receiving emails11/03/00-11:33:19 AM Z
Monica Mitchell
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit11/13/00-01:43:18 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit11/13/00-01:41:24 PM Z
 Re: photo history lecture11/03/00-04:04:07 PM Z
 Re: photo history lecture11/03/00-03:04:02 PM Z
Nash Computer Technology
 Re: pre-wash Arches Platine for Pt/Pd printing?11/05/00-04:37:05 PM Z
 Re: daguerreotypist Belgium11/03/00-01:37:43 PM Z
 Re: Rotation on Jobo --- Re: Info On Jobo Drums11/01/00-08:17:56 AM Z
 Re: Bromoil Workshops11/02/00-07:42:37 PM Z
Nick Makris
 Missing Santa Fe Bob's post11/07/00-06:56:14 AM Z
 Digital negs posts as attachments11/06/00-10:26:05 AM Z
 Re: inkjet negs?11/05/00-02:20:49 PM Z
 New Artisit Web Site11/04/00-04:18:47 PM Z
nze christian
 Re: ABC Pyro11/27/00-11:27:37 AM Z
 Re: ABC Pyro11/27/00-03:07:34 AM Z
 Re: ABC Pyro11/26/00-04:25:27 PM Z
 Re: chrysotype and 21 steps11/16/00-01:20:32 PM Z
 chrysotype, again11/16/00-04:58:57 AM Z
 chrysotype and 21 steps11/15/00-05:49:19 AM Z
 Re: Alternative Processes In Paris11/13/00-03:24:32 AM Z
 Re: Sodiumtungstate11/07/00-12:07:47 PM Z
 Re: Sodiumtungstate11/07/00-07:59:03 AM Z
Pam Niedermayer
 Re: Mercury WARNINGS11/18/00-12:29:39 PM Z
 Re: Mercury WARNINGS11/16/00-09:18:53 PM Z
 Re: Mercury ban and Dags11/16/00-06:03:32 PM Z
 Re: Polaroid 8x10 filmholder11/16/00-04:20:32 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit11/15/00-01:54:39 PM Z
 Re: Ground Glass Search11/04/00-03:54:36 PM Z
 Re: Photo History and (much-needed) Quaalude distribution program11/03/00-10:27:39 PM Z
 Re: Pack for 7x17 camera.11/03/00-11:59:53 AM Z
 Re: Pack for 7x17 camera.11/02/00-10:41:07 PM Z
Paul Egan
 Re: inkjet negs?11/05/00-12:54:03 AM Z
 Re: Re: Digital negs posts as attachments11/07/00-05:52:47 AM Z
Peter Fredrik
 Re: Virus warning11/21/00-05:54:52 AM Z
Peter Hanley
 Re: inkjet negs?11/04/00-07:28:47 PM Z
Peter Marshall
 Re: TWO THINGS (Survey results, too)11/06/00-12:50:52 PM Z
Phillip Murphy
 Re: daguerreotypist Belgium11/04/00-01:07:30 PM Z
Piers Cawley
 Re: commercial gravure11/21/00-04:19:57 AM Z
Randall Webb
 Re: Revocation of Independence (fwd)11/17/00-10:17:01 PM Z
 Re: Buxton paper11/10/00-03:48:49 PM Z
 Re: Buxton paper11/07/00-12:50:56 AM Z
Richard Knoppow
 Re: 1% Selenium solution11/28/00-11:37:16 PM Z
 Re: direct positive11/20/00-09:38:37 AM Z
Richard Morris
 Re: beginner11/20/00-05:45:31 AM Z
 Re: non-silver in the uk11/14/00-08:44:30 AM Z
 Re: inkjet negs? CONSISTENCY11/06/00-06:14:55 AM Z
Rick Moore
 Re: Contact frames11/14/00-09:20:43 AM Z
 RE: Pack for 7x17 camera.11/03/00-07:12:24 AM Z
Robert Gumpper
 Re: Alt-Photo Monthly Reminder11/04/00-01:34:40 PM Z
Robert Lyman
 Re: photo history lecture10/26/00-01:31:00 PM Z
 Re: photo history lecture10/26/00-10:48:28 AM Z
Robert Schaller
 coating emulsion on plastic11/03/00-02:43:08 PM Z
Robert W. Schramm
 Re: Palladium11/30/00-08:44:17 PM Z
 Re: Mercury WARNINGS11/23/00-09:49:20 AM Z
 Daguerreotype workshops, etc.11/19/00-07:09:35 PM Z
 Re: Mercury WARNINGS11/18/00-10:16:37 PM Z
 Re: Mercury WARNINGS11/17/00-09:05:51 PM Z
 Re: Mercury WARNINGS11/17/00-08:48:33 PM Z
 Re: chrysotype: formulas & literature sources11/15/00-05:34:56 PM Z
 Re: keeping gelatin11/14/00-05:37:10 PM Z
 Re: Alternative Processes In Paris11/13/00-10:42:09 AM Z
 Re: Gum on Platinum11/08/00-08:38:16 PM Z
 Egos and postings11/04/00-04:28:28 PM Z
 Re: FW: daguerreotypist Belgium11/03/00-09:08:58 AM Z
 Shutter curtain pinholes11/01/00-05:37:25 PM Z
Rod Fleming
 Re: photo history lecture11/04/00-05:04:29 AM Z
 Re: Photo History and (much-needed) Quaalude distribution program11/04/00-02:58:59 AM Z
 New Kodak Scanner11/02/00-10:57:46 AM Z
 Re: Rotation on Jobo --- Re: Info On Jobo Drums11/02/00-03:46:55 AM Z
 Re: Rotation on Jobo --- Re: Info On Jobo Drums11/01/00-11:02:56 AM Z
 Re: Rotation on Jobo --- Re: Info On Jobo Drums11/01/00-08:30:35 AM Z
roger kockaerts
 Exhibit Atelier pH711/03/00-08:26:12 AM Z
Ron Landucci
 RE: Gum on Platinum11/08/00-10:55:09 AM Z
Russell Dodd
 Re: commercial gravure11/21/00-10:37:41 AM Z
 Re: Shutter curtain pinholes11/01/00-06:30:49 PM Z
Sam Wang
 Please ignore: Re: exposure unit11/14/00-07:17:55 AM Z
 exposure unit11/13/00-08:29:42 PM Z
Sandy King
 Argyrotype11/30/00-06:27:18 PM Z
 Re: Palladium11/30/00-02:16:10 PM Z
 Re: Palladium11/30/00-02:14:42 PM Z
 Re: Large format panchromatic sheet film11/29/00-12:54:47 PM Z
 Re: pyro, densitomters and life11/17/00-09:56:35 PM Z
 Re: chrysotype and 21 steps11/17/00-08:49:49 AM Z
 Re: keeping gelatin11/13/00-10:13:56 PM Z
 Re: keeping gelatin11/13/00-02:32:29 PM Z
 Re: Texts on Alternative Photography11/03/00-12:32:12 PM Z
 Texts on Alternative Photography11/02/00-08:51:07 PM Z
 Re: Rotation on Jobo --- Re: Info On Jobo Drums11/01/00-10:26:59 AM Z
Sarah Van Keuren
 Re: Toning cyanotypes11/25/00-08:37:22 AM Z
 cyanotype as negative11/20/00-02:59:52 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit11/15/00-10:24:24 AM Z
Sil Horwitz
 Re: archival attachment to aluminum11/25/00-01:52:11 PM Z
 Cyanotype as negative (was Re: beginner)11/20/00-10:31:45 AM Z
 Re: chrysotype and 21 steps11/16/00-03:09:00 PM Z
 Re: inkjet negs? CONSISTENCY11/05/00-06:54:42 PM Z
 Bromoil Workshops11/01/00-11:31:37 PM Z
 high five: photo history lecture11/04/00-08:51:38 AM Z
Stephen Dell
 Re: Toning cyanotypes11/25/00-02:41:51 AM Z
stephen wasilewski
 Re: Re: Digital negs posts as attachments11/08/00-05:41:53 PM Z
Steve Shapiro
 Re: archival attachment to aluminum11/29/00-12:13:11 AM Z
 Re: chrysotype: formulas & literature sources11/16/00-01:56:12 AM Z
 Re: Pack for 7x17 camera.11/02/00-10:16:36 PM Z
 Re: John Rudiak killed on motodcycle11/02/00-10:14:04 PM Z
Tadeuz Jalocha
 Re: direct positive11/22/00-06:33:55 AM Z
 Re: direct positive11/21/00-11:29:50 PM Z
 Re: direct positive11/20/00-10:53:52 PM Z
 Re: direct positive11/17/00-09:30:58 AM Z
 Re: Developing color film in b&w chemicals11/17/00-07:57:56 AM Z
 Re: Developing color film in b&w chemicals11/16/00-09:57:40 PM Z
terry roth
 Re: Palladium11/30/00-10:05:30 AM Z
 Re: direct positive11/20/00-09:22:34 AM Z
 Re: Contact frames11/16/00-09:10:23 AM Z
 Re: photo history lecture11/04/00-10:33:21 AM Z
Thor Bols
 Re: inkjet negs?11/05/00-03:23:15 PM Z
 Re: inkjet negs?11/05/00-01:50:44 PM Z
 Re: pre-wash Arches Platine for Pt/Pd printing?11/05/00-01:38:34 PM Z
 Re: Photo History and (much-needed) Quaalude distribution program11/04/00-10:42:13 AM Z
 Re: Photo History and (much-needed) Quaalude distribution program11/04/00-10:35:08 AM Z
 Re: photo history lecture11/03/00-04:42:58 PM Z
 Re: photo history lecture11/03/00-03:54:54 PM Z
 Re: photo history lecture11/03/00-03:46:22 PM Z
 Re: photo history lecture11/03/00-01:27:13 PM Z
 Re: photo history lecture11/03/00-12:50:13 PM Z
 Re: photo history lecture11/03/00-11:22:09 AM Z
Todd Enders
 Re: D2311/01/00-12:58:14 PM Z
Tom Ferguson
 Re: direct positive11/20/00-10:28:01 AM Z
 Alternative exhibit in S. California11/06/00-05:09:54 PM Z
 Re: Mapplethorpe's platinum prints11/04/00-05:52:29 PM Z
Vrueh, G.J. de
 RE: direct positive11/22/00-03:46:10 AM Z
 RE: Maco Genius film/paper11/17/00-07:27:58 AM Z
 Re: commercial gravure11/21/00-11:36:52 PM Z
William D. Burdette
 Re: beginner11/20/00-05:54:43 PM Z
 Re: Mercury WARNINGS11/16/00-11:13:10 AM Z
 Correction11/15/00-11:37:26 PM Z
 Re: chrysotype and 21 steps11/15/00-12:34:02 PM Z
 Re: chrysotype and 21 steps11/15/00-10:31:46 AM Z
 Re: Contact frames11/12/00-10:52:18 PM Z
Witho Worms en Jorien van Santen
 Polaroid 8x10 filmholder11/16/00-02:36:53 PM Z
 double messages11/14/00-08:19:28 AM Z
 Re: Alternative Processes In Paris11/13/00-02:10:48 AM Z
 Re: Sodiumtungstate11/07/00-11:29:52 AM Z
 Sodiumtungstate11/07/00-07:03:09 AM Z

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