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Lukas Werth wrote:
> ... could you, Jeffrey, explain the difference between
> "personal" and "social"?

Personal - of or relating to the person - space/distance can be that
considered to be comfortable or advantageous when typically conversing
with another individual (or very small group) on topics informal and not
intimate.  Sometimes meetings are arranged around a small table so as to
keep within a personal distance and keep the business at hand informal,
familiar and comfortable.

Social - of or relating to a society - space/distance can be that
considered comfortable or advantageous when interacting with a large,
formal, or societal (such as political) group.  Certain protocols almost
always come into play.

> ... let me
> point out that it is blatantly discriminating, an example of the subtle
> defamations which regrettably are quite frequent even in mainstream
> science. 

The example was chosen because in typical American culture smelling
another's breath is usually considered intimate and conversing from
across a room considered social.  It should be important, especially for
one who travels, to understand that others may be comfortable or behave
differently depending on one's distance and environing space.  Something
to keep in mind when one finds themselves in a situation where making
themselves more comfortable may lessen the comfort of others.

Jeffrey D. Mathias