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Re: The list - NO PROBLEM
Hi Wayde,
Thanks for the sensible and informative reply. My son set up my e-mail;
I can't say why he thought he needed to put my address in the reply-to
field in the mail preferences. It's gone now, I hope that will fix it.
Thanks again,
> It is because you have set (deliberately or otherwise) the reply-to header
> in your e-mail. The relevant lines from you message header are:
> From: Katharine Thayer <kthayer@pacifier.com>
> Subject: Re: some new imagery; feedback
> To: alt-photo-process-l@skyway.usask.ca
> Resent-Reply-To: alt-photo-process-l@skyway.usask.ca
> Reply-To: kthayer@pacifier.com
> Some list servers will trap this line and re-write it. Evidently the
> altphoto list doesn't do this and instead creates the
> "Resent-Reply-To" header. Nothing wrong with this behavior at all.
> If you don't want things to work this way you should edit your options so
> that you don't set the reply-to header. Let's see, your mail header also
> says you are using
> X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01-C-MACOS8 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
> which translates to netscape on a Mac Power PC. I don't know this system
> particularly well, but there should be a mail settings or options section
> where this is set.
> In your case, you have the same address in the "from:" line as in the
> "reply-to:" line so there is no reason to have a reply-to header.
> Yes, this isn't "alt photo", but perhaps posting this will minimize the
> speculation and conspiracy theories.
> - Wayde
> (wallen@its.bldrdoc.gov)