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The thread concerned with dorotype or doretype is connected with orotone. Here in Paris, we have an exhibition of Curtis prints. Some orotone, olds and news (alternative) are included. I am in touch with Cristopher Cardozo, the owner of the prints and the man who have the idea to recreate the glass plate process of Curtis and the head of the Ilford team who coat the gelatine bromide plate for M. Cardozo..
I have researched files about orotone in photo alt and photo history. Some informations were found but this topic is quiet uncommon.
The story was partially related in an recent issue of British Journal of Photography ("Gold Rush by Sarah Brown, BJP, October 6, 1999, p 16 and 17). I am trying to fill the gaps of the story ...
Some questions for alternative networkers :
1. I think Curtis didn't publish anything technical about orotone, true, false ?
2. Do you know quotes of contemporary papers about the process
3. Orotone didn't vanished with Curtis, the process is quite unknow in Europe but it'is possible to find moderns Orotone made in USA in the post war time (1950, 60 ...), any information ?
4. All Curtis Orone are toned (sulfide, Gold ...), the toning process acting as an intensensifier above the gold back coating, some are untoned ?
Thank's for the interest you give to my message
(Hope my english is not so bad...)
Any information would be appreciated.
Jean-Paul Gandolfo
Ecole Nationale Superieure Louis Lumiere
(French National School of Photography).
Rue de Vaugirard
93161, Noisy le Grand cedex