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Fwd: Re: packham platinotype toning method

here is the answer to my question from Peter marshall. Thanks peter

>From: petermarshall@cix.co.uk (Peter Marshall)
>Reply-To: petermarshall@cix.co.uk
>To: christian_nze@hotmail.com
>Subject: Re: packham platinotype toning method
>Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 23:29 +0100 (BST)

>I'm no longer reading email from a valid address on the list, so perhaps
>you can post my reply to you.
>J Packham 1895
>Add 120 grains catechu
>(catechou in French - an extract from a species of acacia)
>to 5 oz water, boil 5 mins, cool, add 1 oz alcohol
>30-40 drops stock per pint water at 54-66 degrees Celsius
>In hard water areas add 2 g potassium oxalate per print
>immerse washed platinum prints for around 15 mins - gives a rich mellow
>brown - put into cold water immediately colour is as required, wash for a
>few minutes.
>Peckham also suggest you can increase permanency and brightness after
>toning by immersing for a few minutes in 'very weak' potassium dichromate
>- of a light straw colour.
>It is important to remove all iron compounds from the print before toning
>as catechu reacts with iron compounds - it has been suggested that the
>staining or toning by this method involves residual iron compounds in the
>print - if so it may fail with properly cleared prints.
>I've not tried this - use at your own risk!
>Peter Marshall
>Photography Guide at About          http://photography.about.com/
>email: photography.guide@about.com
>London's Industrial Heritage: http://petermarshallphotos.co.uk/
>The Buildings of London etc:  http://londonphotographs.co.uk/
>Also on Fixing Shadows:       http://www.people.virginia.edu/~ds8s
>and elsewhere......


Nzé Christian

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