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At 1:31 PM -0600 10/22/00, Herbert C Maxey wrote:
> >>Isn't this part of higher education? If not, then we are
>>>failing our students by not preparing them for that world they will
>>>into at the very perimeter of the University campus....and very soon!
>It should be but there are problems. A University should be a place to
>discuss any issue, but it seems this is not the case. I will use the term
>PC because we all know what that means. It has made it impossible to feel
>safe talking about a wide variety of topics.
This is an example of how "PC" has become shorthand for "I don't want to
think". I'm assuming that the photo being discussed is too sexually or
physically explicit and that the objection to it is assumed to show up
from right-wing conservatives - the ones most likely to accuse others
of being "PC".