RE: Web site response

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From: Alessandro (
Date: 09/19/00-05:45:11 PM Z

> How does one go about registering with the search engines? Does it cost?

Registering with search engines is free and advisable. All the major search
engines (i.e. Altavista , yahoo, etc.) have specific submission procedures.
You can find out on their pages.
However, different search engines will spider your page in different ways.
Some will index more heavily on word content within the body, some more
heavily on meta tags. Ultimately, however, the three main places a search
engine spider will look for information about your page are: the title, the
meta tag and the body.

It will take a while for larger search engines to get around to spider you.
Also, frequent submissions don't imply a higher ranking. Quite the contrary.
If a search engine thinks you are trying to "trick" it, it will actually
exclude your IP address from its listings.

Let me know if you want more info,


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