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Re: correction Re: a lot of over-exposed negatives: what to do?

At 04:28 PM 04/17/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>Which Farmer's Reducer? There are several, and each will accomplish
>different things. 
  I'm curious what variations you have found. I have Agfa/Ansco, Kodak,
Dupont formulas which seem to be about the same. The only variation I can
find is between combining bleach and fixer or using the two separately.   
  BTW, Defender has an curious formula for a bleach and redevelopment
  The bleach is a ferricyanide bleach with bromide and alkalized with
ammonia. The redeveloper is Rodinal with added bromide. Redevelopment takes
20 to 30 minutes (with 1940's film) so the degree of redevelopment can be
stopped at any point. 
  I'll post the formula if anyone wants it. 
Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles,Ca.