Alt-photo-process-l April 2001 Mail Thread Index
- Re: Confusing Speed and Sensitivity,(was Potassium vs. Ammonium Dichromate), (was Re: Clearing Gum Prints),
Sandy King
- Alt-Photo Monthly Reminder,
- numbenclature,
Jack Fulton
- Re: registering paper negatives,
Dave Rose
- Re: bleach etch/mordant trial,
Herbert C Maxey
- Wide lenses for 12x20 @ 300mm,
Michael Mutmansky
- Alt-photo Reminder,
- chemistry question--Sil, et al?,
Christina Z. Anderson
- Re: to mat or not..,
Rosae Reeder
- applying images to ceramics,
Rosae Reeder
- Re: applying images to ceramics,
Jeffrey D. Mathias
- Re: applying images to ceramics,
Sam Wang
- Re: applying images to ceramics,
Susan Bloom
- Re: applying images to ceramics,
Jack Fulton
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: applying images to ceramics,
Herbert C Maxey
- Re: applying images to ceramics,
Herbert C Maxey
- Re: applying images to ceramics,
Herbert C Maxey
- Re: applying images to ceramics,
Lori Hellstrom
- Re: applying images to ceramics,
Herbert C Maxey
- Re: applying images to ceramics,
Sarah Van Keuren
- van-dyke mess,
Emma feldman
- OffTopic - Alt Process Definitions,
- peeling off emulsion,
jacques verschuren
- Re: peeling off emulsion and more. . .,
Patricia Figliola Lewis
- RE: to mat or not,
Dave Rose
- paper for cyanotypes,
shannon stoney
- My trip to San Antonio, New pics on my web site....,
Robert Hall
- Re: warning: bad word...RE: to mat or not,
Herbert C Maxey
- platinum/palladium coating,
Christina Z. Anderson
- Epson 890,
Galina Manikova
- Re: old film,
- Re: applying images to ceramicsWARNING,
Herbert C Maxey
- old book,
Jean-Paul Guimbretière
- Paris in June,
Ginger Sheridan
- Ceramics warnings,
Robert W. Schramm
- Re: Dimensional stability of paper negatives?,
Katharine Thayer
- digital inkjet negatives,
Ken Sinclair
- t-max developer as stop bath for gold toning?,
Tom Hawkins
- to squabble or not..,
Rosae Reeder
- did I overdevelop?,
shannon stoney
- Re: to squabble or not... about safety,
- re: to squabble or not,
Jean Burdett
- Re: to squabble or not. - Bob is reinventing history,does anybody care?,
Linda Phillips
- hazards of warnings...,
- Looking for Article Submissions,
- Arches Platine,
Luc Novovitch
- development for alt-process,
shannon stoney
- Re: development for alt-process; SBRs,
shannon stoney
- higher order dilemmas,
shannon stoney
- old cameras and personal film speed,
shannon stoney
- W. Mortensen,
- No Subject,
- Fw: Insult,
Randall Webb
- ceramic warning spat,
Gordon J. Holtslander
- a lot of over-exposed negatives: what to do?,
shannon stoney
- Re: a lot of over-exposed negatives: what to do?,
Luc Novovitch
- Re: a lot of over-exposed negatives: what to do?,
Brian Ellis
- Re: a lot of over-exposed negatives: what to do?,
Dave Rose
- Re: a lot of over-exposed negatives: what to do?,
Jeffrey D. Mathias
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: a lot of over-exposed negatives: what to do?,
- Re: a lot of over-exposed negatives: what to do?,
shannon stoney
- Re: a lot of over-exposed negatives: what to do?,
- Re: a lot of over-exposed negatives: what to do?,
Carl Weese
- Re: a lot of over-exposed negatives: what to do?,
Carl Weese
- Re: a lot of over-exposed negatives: what to do?,
shannon stoney
- Re: a lot of over-exposed negatives: what to do?,
- Re: a lot of over-exposed negatives: what to do?,
Carl Weese
- Re: a lot of over-exposed negatives: what to do?,
shannon stoney
- Re: a lot of over-exposed negatives: what to do?,
shannon stoney
- used orbit bath and fixer,
shannon stoney
- RE: SX-70 manipulation,
- Contact Printer,
- the true destiny of negatives,
shannon stoney
- when to cut bait,
shannon stoney
- Salt process etc.,
Stephen Gray
- test,
Jean-Paul Guimbretière
- Re: a lot of overexposed negatives: what to do?,
Herbert C Maxey
- Re: correction Re: a lot of over-exposed negatives: what to do?,
Herbert C Maxey
- Re: Farmer's Reducer Information.,
Herbert C Maxey
- Re: platinum/palladium coating - exposing POP,
Istvan Bibo
- Re: Farmer's Reducer Information. BY EYE,
Herbert C Maxey
- $150 contact printer,
Joe Portale
- pinhole free transparencies with an inkjet,
Adam Seychell
- waxed negs and heat gun,
Gordon J. Holtslander
- APIS 2001,
Richard Sullivan FRPS
- liquid emulsion on aluminum,
Christina Z. Anderson
- Cyanotype,
jacques verschuren
- Harald Leban is back,
Harald Leban
- Intellectual Property Rights,
Robkin, Eugene
- Matting/Framing, etc.,
Patricia Figliola Lewis
- Platinum in Richmond,
Carl Weese
- Exposure Unit - Xpresscreen XEF913,
Art Chakalis
- Platinum/Palladium question,
Tori Nelson
- Anti-actinic glasses,
Don Bryant
Bob Kiss
- Re: Platinum/Palladium question (green crystals?),
- off-topic: crystal growing,
Richard Koolish
- Platinum/ Palladium,
Tori Nelson
- LAB exposure unit,
- Argyrotype,
Callie Type
- Paper question,
Arnold J. Song 99
- Shameless plug,
- Pyro ABC+,
Martin Salowey
- Getting back intp Platinum Printing,
Mac Legrandi
- chemigram,
Jean Burdett
- Clearing part of a water color,
Nick Makris
Witho Worms en Jorien van Santen
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