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Re: Source for 1160 Printers for inkjet negatives

Hello everyone.

I find this thread very interesting.

I have a mac without a printer.  I'm thinking of getting one just to make
negatives with.  So far I have gathered:

The 1160 is a great printer for this.
The cone inks work great but are very expensive, as well as the software.
MIS inks are much cheaper but you do not get as good results.

My questions are - What is the best substrate to use?  What are waxed paper
negs and how do you make them with a printer?  What is the pictorio stuff like?

It would seem to me the biggest problem you would have is finding a substrate
clear enough yet porous enough so that the inks don't slide right off.

I encourage any futher discussion regarding the making of digital negs ina
home printer.

Thanks much,

Christine M. Shepherd
NAPC Technical Support

Delivering the Art of Technology