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Chrysotypes and humidity

Last weekedn I gave chrysotype printing a try, using the protocol of
Tony McLean had genereously send to this list in 1999.

Ther first attempts worked quite nice, the only problem beeing the
humidity. It seems that Chrysotypes are very sensitive to humidity (just
as Ziatypes), and it happens thta the colour scheme which intersts me
most: maroon/purple/blue only "happens" when the humidity is around 50%,
not around 95% as it is currently in Holland... When drying with forced
air I could shift the colour schem a bit from black/grey/bleu towards
violet/blue., but I am not there yet.

Do people have experience with humidity chambers? I know that a chamber
with beaker of stuarated CaCl2 should have a humidity of around 35% or

I am wondering: how long would it take for a coated Chrysotype to reach
this rel. hum. from say 80 to 35%?

Would it help to have the paper before coating as dry as possible? (even
heat it?)
