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RE: Dmax of VD prints

Judy Seigel wrote:

>>  The paper I used for the above test was Rives Aquarelle. I also
>Is that Arches Aquarelle?

Yes, I meant to write Arches.

>I do however feel confident in saying that the paper DOES change contrast
>range.  (And if it does in cyanotype, which it does, why not in VDB???)

I have no doubt but that you are correct. However, my experience with 
most forms of silver printing, including kallitype, salted paper, and 
VD, is that the differences one sees with some of the other variables 
(type and strength of fixer, wash time, toning or not, exposing 
light, etc.) on the same paper are so great that comparing papers 
without close consideration to other factors virtually meaningless.


>| Judy Seigel, Editor                           >
>| World Journal of Post-Factory Photography     > "HOW-TO and WHY"
>| info@post-factory.org                         >
>| <http://rmp.opusis.com/postfactory/postfactory.html>
