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POP choices


Assuming you will have access to a darkroom for film development (4x5
film in trays doesn't take much space): FP4+ in PMK pyro will give you
negatives you can print in POP silver, and then later print in Pt/Pd or
on standard variable contrast silver paper. Pretty good combination. It
gives high acutance if that's what you're after. As for obtaining it in
Japan, just take a couple dry packaged kits from ArtCraft Chemical with
you. Each will make 50 liters of working solution which is enough for an
enormous number of 4x5's. The mixed stock solutions have excellent shelf
life. Tri-X/PMK is another good pair. TMX and HP5 are more trouble
getting enough contrast for POP processes. Of course observe proper
precautions for handling pyro which is more toxic than more ordinary developers.---Carl
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