From: Judy Seigel (
Date: 02/10/01-05:43:02 PM Z
On Sat, 10 Feb 2001, Nelson Goforth wrote:
> Ahh, here's one I can answer, being a Gaffer!
> Gaffer's tape is a an easily torn cloth-backed tape of high adhesive power
> (renowned for removing paint from doorways and walls) used in the film
> industry. It comes in a variety of widths and colors, but usually
> "Gaffer's Tape" means 2" Gray tape. It resembles duct tape, but has a
> cloth rather than a plastic backing, and doesn't leave as much adhesive
> residue (so long as you don't leave it on too long).
But it's not nearly as waterproof as duct tap (if at all), perhaps duct
tape was designed with leaky ducts in mind? Gaffer's is also about 10
times the price, at least around here. In fact, it's considered *the best*
for its purpose, but because of cost, subs are sought.
Your explanation about Gaffer being head electrician is interesting, by
the way -- I'd always assumed it was a corruption of "go-fer" which the
photographer's assistant is, like go for coffee. But I do not for one
minute imagine ELECTRICIAN performed such lowly non-tech chore.
Permacel is one
> maker. Grips and Electricians (the Gaffer being the head Electrician) use
> Gaffer's tape for every imaginable purpose, and, it is rumored, to hold the
> universe together.
> The best way to find it is to go to a film and video equipment supply
> house. Any large city will have one. Call your state film commission if
> you have difficulty with the Yellow Pages. You can probably order online
> from some camera shops or from Matthews Studio Equipment and a few other
> places. If you have trouble locating a supplier, write me.
> Nelson
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