Alt-photo-process-l February 2001
By Subject

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543 Messages
Starting:01/03/80-07:51:13 PM Z Ending:06/25/01-08:30:38 PM Z

SubjectAuthor Date
!!!!!!!!!!! PEROXIDE !!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Judy Seigel02/27/01-11:03:08 PM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/27/01-07:11:01 AM Z
 Pam Niedermayer02/26/01-11:12:19 PM Z
 YAPAR@aol.com02/26/01-10:56:49 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/26/01-10:26:55 PM Z
10x8 Rollo Pyro Development
 shannon stoney02/17/01-10:13:50 AM Z
 Carl Weese02/17/01-06:44:32 AM Z
 Gary Miller02/16/01-11:48:57 PM Z
 Sarah Van Keuren02/16/01-09:04:55 PM Z
 Sandy King02/17/01-06:01:07 AM Z
 dsbryant@telocity.com02/16/01-05:11:59 PM Z
 Carl Weese02/16/01-03:41:02 PM Z
 Nash Computer Technology02/16/01-02:06:09 PM Z
7x17 negs in pyro -- Jobo success?
 Philippe Ayral02/28/01-06:48:42 AM Z
 nze christian02/28/01-02:50:58 AM Z
 Sandy King02/28/01-10:28:21 AM Z
 Neal Oshima02/27/01-10:21:10 PM Z
 Sandy King02/28/01-06:23:48 AM Z
 Michael Mutmansky02/27/01-05:38:49 PM Z
 Sandy King02/28/01-04:39:46 AM Z
 Sandy King02/28/01-04:29:46 AM Z
 Carl Weese02/27/01-03:34:32 PM Z
 nze christian02/27/01-03:13:27 PM Z
 Carl Weese02/27/01-02:50:37 PM Z
 Carl Weese02/27/01-02:42:35 PM Z
 Sandy King02/28/01-01:22:22 AM Z
 Michael Mutmansky02/27/01-12:12:02 PM Z
8x10 Digital Neg Offer
 Wayne Simpkins02/10/01-11:52:12 AM Z
 Joshua Withers02/09/01-09:00:14 PM Z
? is there an Archive of the Photohistory List ?
 YAPAR@aol.com02/02/01-10:26:53 AM Z
A little about Nitrate Films
 James Young02/16/01-08:48:28 AM Z
 JoeSarff@aol.com02/16/01-07:16:04 AM Z
 bmaxey1@juno.com02/15/01-04:55:13 PM Z
address check
 Cor Breukel02/20/01-08:07:35 AM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/20/01-07:49:52 AM Z
Alt-Photo Monthly Reminder
 holtsg@duke.usask.ca02/01/01-12:00:01 AM Z
Alt-photo Reminder
 holtsg@duke.usask.ca02/26/01-12:00:00 AM Z
 holtsg@duke.usask.ca02/19/01-12:00:01 AM Z
 holtsg@duke.usask.ca02/12/01-12:00:00 AM Z
 holtsg@duke.usask.ca02/05/01-12:00:00 AM Z
 Joe Portale02/22/01-09:00:07 AM Z
 Rocky02/21/01-09:19:21 PM Z
 Cor Breukel02/21/01-09:07:29 AM Z
 shannon stoney02/21/01-08:14:22 AM Z
Attention College Photo Instructors
 Ron Lovell02/20/01-02:11:59 AM Z
AZO Paper
 Mark Kronquist02/05/01-02:11:12 AM Z
Big Camera Day on the Plaza
 D. E. Adin02/08/01-06:58:22 PM Z
 Gregg Kemp02/08/01-04:29:25 PM Z
 Richard Sullivan02/08/01-02:50:06 PM Z
 Michael F Jacobson02/13/01-07:27:11 PM Z
BTZS tubes
 Richard Knoppow02/03/01-10:56:45 PM Z
 Sandy King02/03/01-09:53:09 PM Z
 Richard Knoppow02/03/01-04:56:34 PM Z
 Darryl Baird02/03/01-10:10:07 AM Z
 Victor Loverro02/02/01-10:51:13 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/02/01-09:38:16 PM Z
 Nelson Goforth02/02/01-08:07:29 PM Z
 Richard Knoppow02/02/01-07:22:23 PM Z
 Bill Collins02/02/01-06:40:46 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/02/01-01:40:47 AM Z
 Kerik717@aol.com02/01/01-10:59:31 PM Z
 Sandy King02/01/01-09:37:16 PM Z
 Ellen Sigunick02/01/01-08:31:49 PM Z
 Sandy King02/01/01-06:34:17 PM Z
 Brian Ellis02/01/01-11:57:44 AM Z
 Nelson Goforth02/01/01-10:59:35 AM Z
 shannon stoney02/01/01-10:47:36 AM Z
But how about Nu-Arc (for Nu-Yorker) ?
 Judy Seigel02/05/01-03:00:58 AM Z
Coating glass plates
 bmaxey1@juno.com02/16/01-09:24:52 PM Z
 alnovo@inwind.it02/16/01-07:13:07 AM Z
 Alan Elliott02/16/01-03:14:28 AM Z
 Peter Marshall02/16/01-02:56:36 AM Z
 ken watson02/15/01-09:33:31 PM Z
 bmaxey1@juno.com02/15/01-05:04:05 PM Z
 Robkin, Eugene02/15/01-08:20:03 AM Z
Collodion & Home Depot
 ken watson02/16/01-11:36:18 PM Z
Collodion Journal
 shannon stoney02/17/01-10:10:21 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/16/01-03:18:24 PM Z
Collodion Journal & Home Depot
 Gary Miller02/16/01-11:55:47 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/16/01-10:13:17 PM Z
 Mac Legrandi02/16/01-06:40:53 PM Z
Collotype Oven - Free - San Francisco Area
 TSHACK02/25/01-02:13:01 PM Z
Commercial Carbon Printing Services
 Sandy King02/05/01-11:18:11 AM Z
crosss processing Kodak T400-CN
 tonyascrizzi@juno.com02/05/01-02:58:51 PM Z
 Christina Z. Anderson02/05/01-12:17:10 PM Z
Curry and pt/pd
 D. E. Adin02/12/01-06:46:04 PM Z
 Craig Koshyk02/12/01-09:46:20 AM Z
 Craig Koshyk02/12/01-09:41:56 AM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/12/01-06:34:48 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/12/01-01:18:50 AM Z
 Craig Koshyk02/12/01-12:22:32 AM Z
Curry and pt/pd & Other great anecdotes
 Steve Shapiro02/14/01-12:37:37 AM Z
 D. E. Adin02/12/01-06:46:06 PM Z
 Steve Shapiro02/12/01-11:33:43 AM Z
 James Romeo02/05/01-12:52:05 PM Z
 James Romeo02/05/01-12:04:49 PM Z
 shannon stoney02/04/01-08:17:16 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/04/01-05:21:01 PM Z
 Sarah Van Keuren02/04/01-08:38:46 AM Z
 James Romeo02/03/01-11:53:03 PM Z
 shannon stoney02/27/01-09:02:10 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/26/01-10:37:42 PM Z
 shannon stoney02/25/01-10:50:15 PM Z
 Tom Ferguson02/25/01-11:15:44 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/25/01-06:49:19 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/25/01-06:42:55 PM Z
 Sandy King02/26/01-04:37:16 AM Z AM Z
 shannon stoney02/25/01-11:24:24 AM Z
 Randall Webb02/25/01-02:48:36 PM Z
 Don Bryant02/25/01-12:29:11 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/24/01-11:26:19 PM Z
 Jack Fulton02/24/01-08:36:07 PM Z
 Ken Watson02/24/01-07:35:05 PM Z
 shannon stoney02/24/01-05:46:23 PM Z
cyanotypes & negatives
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/25/01-06:33:38 AM Z
Dag show at Palmer Museum at Penn State University
 Michael Mutmansky02/19/01-12:33:57 PM Z
Daguerreotype questions
 ken watson02/28/01-11:50:48 PM Z
 Manuel Estébanez02/28/01-09:22:37 PM Z
Daguerreotype workshop announcement
 Jonathan Bailey02/20/01-07:00:26 AM Z
Dampening or drying prints to achieve re-registration
 Dave Rose02/03/01-10:24:50 AM Z
Definition of alternative photo processes
 Bill Collins02/14/01-06:58:23 AM Z
 JMM1987@aol.com02/14/01-06:50:23 AM Z
 Sandy King02/14/01-03:58:56 PM Z
 Sandy King02/14/01-11:32:16 AM Z
 JMM1987@aol.com02/13/01-11:06:09 PM Z
 YAPAR@aol.com02/13/01-10:30:40 PM Z
 Sandy King02/14/01-04:57:06 AM Z
 FotoDave@aol.com02/13/01-03:25:53 PM Z
 Edward Meyers02/13/01-02:35:17 PM Z
 ken watson02/13/01-10:53:17 AM Z
 JMM1987@aol.com02/13/01-10:21:10 AM Z
Desk top paper negatives - wax?
 dbaird02/01/01-11:02:24 AM Z
 Andre Fuhrmann02/01/01-10:36:33 AM Z
 FotoDave@aol.com02/01/01-07:57:42 AM Z
 Nick Makris02/01/01-07:46:01 AM Z
Desk top paper negatives - wax?/Lazertran
 Christina Z. Anderson02/05/01-03:20:17 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/05/01-03:05:43 PM Z
 Christina Z. Anderson02/02/01-11:45:50 AM Z
Desk top paper negatives - wax?/other stuff
 Judy Seigel02/02/01-01:50:03 AM Z
Desk top printing on FILM
 rgw@mediaone.net02/02/01-04:31:54 PM Z
 Ender100@aol.com02/02/01-11:56:19 AM Z
 Nick Makris02/02/01-08:46:11 AM Z
 rgw@mediaone.net02/02/01-07:40:25 AM Z
 Nick Makris02/02/01-07:03:51 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/02/01-12:54:38 AM Z
Desktop Negative Material in Rolls
 Peter Marshall02/02/01-11:19:35 AM Z
 FDanB@aol.com02/01/01-08:23:46 PM Z
desktop negatives
 Paul Egan02/27/01-03:45:51 PM Z
 valerie_matthews@notes.teradyne.com02/27/01-01:31:24 PM Z
 Paul Egan02/27/01-01:18:43 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/02/01-09:10:39 PM Z
 Peter Marshall02/02/01-11:19:35 AM Z
 Sandy King02/02/01-11:07:32 AM Z
 FotoDave@aol.com02/02/01-09:11:37 AM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/02/01-06:02:11 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/02/01-01:31:52 AM Z
 Sandy King02/01/01-09:45:35 PM Z
 Nick Makris02/01/01-05:50:24 PM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/01/01-02:13:12 PM Z
 FotoDave@aol.com02/01/01-12:28:49 PM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/01/01-11:26:59 AM Z
 FotoDave@aol.com02/01/01-08:27:07 AM Z
different processes illustrated
 Pam Niedermayer02/11/01-06:56:14 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/11/01-06:16:52 PM Z
Digital Negs
 Nick Makris02/05/01-08:34:21 AM Z
 Pam Niedermayer02/04/01-05:44:16 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/04/01-05:23:38 PM Z
Digital paper neg
 James Romeo02/14/01-04:35:12 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/14/01-12:07:49 AM Z
 James Romeo02/11/01-06:10:18 PM Z
Dup film
 Luc Novovitch02/09/01-11:09:06 AM Z
Expert Drum 3006, Rollo Pyro & 5x7" films
 Sandy King02/05/01-11:20:18 PM Z
 Philippe Ayral02/05/01-12:21:32 PM Z
Final notes on making normal enlarging paper into POP
 Christina Z. Anderson02/21/01-12:22:52 AM Z
 Andre Fuhrmann02/14/01-05:51:55 AM Z
 Christina Z. Anderson02/12/01-08:53:40 PM Z
Glass Plates
 Judy Seigel02/16/01-03:14:09 PM Z
 Randall Webb02/16/01-06:48:44 PM Z
 Richard Knoppow02/16/01-01:35:02 AM Z
 Joachim02/15/01-06:26:55 PM Z
 Robert W. Schramm02/15/01-05:49:26 PM Z
 bmaxey1@juno.com02/15/01-04:41:21 PM Z
 D. E. Adin02/15/01-09:11:48 AM Z
 Sil Horwitz02/14/01-11:04:03 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/14/01-10:06:06 PM Z
 Richard Knoppow02/14/01-08:50:55 PM Z
 Marco Pauck02/14/01-02:52:20 AM Z
 JMM1987@aol.com02/13/01-11:35:44 PM Z
 bmaxey1@juno.com02/13/01-06:34:38 PM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/18/01-07:45:23 AM Z
 Witho Worms en Jorien van Santen02/18/01-02:27:32 AM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/17/01-08:02:51 AM Z
Gum Arabic Solution
 tinklesummer02/25/01-07:33:30 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/19/01-03:38:12 AM Z
 Sarah Van Keuren02/18/01-07:47:35 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/18/01-06:04:52 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/18/01-05:19:19 PM Z
 Peter Marshall02/18/01-04:42:36 AM Z
 Dave Rose02/17/01-05:56:23 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/17/01-04:09:05 PM Z
 Don Bryant02/17/01-12:36:04 PM Z
 Ed Stander02/17/01-12:16:43 PM Z
 Don Bryant02/17/01-10:53:34 AM Z
Gum print on canvas
 Judy Seigel02/28/01-09:11:48 PM Z
 Eirik Berger02/28/01-06:00:31 AM Z
 Jonathan Bailey02/26/01-07:45:45 AM Z
help someone
 James Romeo02/14/01-06:40:44 PM Z
home depot lacquer
 bmaxey1@juno.com02/17/01-06:47:36 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/17/01-04:20:12 PM Z
 ken watson02/16/01-11:44:38 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/16/01-03:10:48 PM Z
 ken watson02/10/01-01:09:23 PM Z
Hydrogen Peroxide oxidizing
 Judy Seigel02/28/01-09:28:45 PM Z
Hydrogen peroxide rocket fuel
 Richard Koolish02/28/01-08:45:21 AM Z
Hydrogen Peroxide Warning
 bmaxey1@juno.com02/07/01-09:28:35 PM Z
 Randall Webb03/01/01-02:49:13 AM Z
 Craig Koshyk02/28/01-11:25:47 AM Z
 Luc Novovitch02/28/01-11:16:33 AM Z
 YAPAR@aol.com02/28/01-10:57:24 AM Z
 Peter Howey02/28/01-10:08:51 AM Z
 Luc Novovitch02/28/01-10:02:04 AM Z
Hydrogen Peroxide Warning (fwd)
 bmaxey1@juno.com02/07/01-04:48:25 PM Z
 FotoDave@aol.com02/28/01-11:56:19 AM Z
 YAPAR@aol.com02/28/01-09:47:06 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/27/01-11:30:48 PM Z
Hydrogen Peroxide Warning STOP IT???
 bmaxey1@juno.com02/07/01-05:15:13 PM Z
Ilford as POP
 Christina Z. Anderson02/02/01-11:54:21 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/16/01-02:45:31 AM Z
Judy's screwdriver
 Ken Sinclair02/05/01-01:19:19 PM Z
Just Pictorialism, without Steiglitz and the NY times PM Z
 Jonathan Bailey02/15/01-05:03:16 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/15/01-02:24:42 PM Z
 Lukas Werth02/15/01-04:08:57 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/14/01-10:43:29 PM Z
 Sandy King02/15/01-09:06:02 AM Z
 Lukas Werth02/14/01-07:23:34 AM Z
 Sandy King02/14/01-03:42:27 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/14/01-12:03:17 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/13/01-11:40:32 PM Z
 Darryl Baird02/13/01-02:40:53 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/13/01-12:52:14 AM Z
 Sandy King02/13/01-10:25:19 AM Z
 Sandy King02/13/01-10:19:12 AM Z
 Sarah Van Keuren02/12/01-09:16:58 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/12/01-09:09:20 PM Z
 Sandy King02/13/01-08:11:08 AM Z
Large negatives for gum printing
 Judy Seigel02/28/01-09:09:15 PM Z
 Eirik Berger02/28/01-06:40:16 AM Z
Lazertran souce
 Robkin, Eugene02/02/01-12:13:58 PM Z
Lightfast or archival
 KEMAL DELIC02/11/01-04:49:50 PM Z
Lightfast or archival?
 Joachim02/12/01-12:59:59 PM Z
 KEMAL DELIC02/12/01-12:15:33 PM Z
 bmaxey1@juno.com02/11/01-04:41:46 PM Z
 Frank Filippone02/11/01-04:08:34 PM Z
 Frank Filippone02/11/01-04:07:30 PM Z
 Joachim02/11/01-03:33:41 PM Z
 KEMAL DELIC02/11/01-02:47:53 PM Z
lith printing developer
 formic02/07/01-12:49:51 PM Z
MACO IR experience?
 Christina Z. Anderson02/12/01-04:18:50 PM Z
 Marco Pauck02/12/01-01:20:22 AM Z
 Ender100@aol.com02/11/01-10:19:44 PM Z
 Sam Wang02/11/01-07:36:16 PM Z
Mike Ware book
 Richard M. Koolish02/05/01-01:30:50 PM Z
Modifying PMK for Rotary use?
 Cor Breukel01/10/01-03:27:08 AM Z
mordancage + peroxide
 bmaxey1@juno.com06/25/01-07:17:26 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/25/01-06:33:39 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/25/01-06:21:51 PM Z
mordancage web address
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/26/01-06:46:23 AM Z
 bmaxey1@juno.com06/25/01-08:30:38 PM Z
 Jack Fulton02/25/01-10:39:05 PM Z
 Richard Knoppow02/25/01-09:13:09 PM Z
 Christina Z. Anderson02/25/01-08:08:28 PM Z
 bmaxey1@juno.com06/25/01-07:20:54 PM Z
 Richard Knoppow02/25/01-06:49:46 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/25/01-06:14:59 PM Z
 Mac Legrandi02/25/01-02:27:01 PM Z
 Jonathan Bailey02/25/01-12:25:41 PM Z
 Eric Boutilier-Brown02/25/01-08:17:51 AM Z
 Jonathan Bailey02/25/01-07:31:48 AM Z
Morse Printer
 bmaxey1@juno.com02/24/01-11:22:24 AM Z
negs in pyrocat -- Jobo success?
 Steve Shapiro02/28/01-12:09:39 AM Z
New exposure unit idea
 Judy Seigel02/05/01-02:04:48 PM Z
 Bill Collins02/05/01-08:22:30 AM Z
NY Times review of "Photography: Processes, Preservation and Conservation" exhibit
 Edward Meyers02/11/01-06:56:28 PM Z
 James Romeo02/11/01-05:52:42 PM Z
 Gary Miller02/11/01-09:15:32 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/11/01-02:39:14 AM Z
 James Romeo02/10/01-10:58:03 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/10/01-05:22:31 PM Z
 James Romeo02/10/01-08:59:37 AM Z
 Gregg Kemp02/10/01-06:09:12 AM Z
NY Times review of "Photography: Processes, Preservation and Conservation...
 CMPatti@aol.com02/11/01-12:28:34 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/10/01-06:40:50 PM Z
 CMPatti@aol.com02/10/01-05:46:00 PM Z
NY Times review of"Photography: Processes, Preservation and Conservation" exhibit
 Pam Niedermayer02/11/01-09:58:15 AM Z
NY Times review of"Photography: Processes, Preservation and Conservation...
 Pam Niedermayer02/10/01-07:22:01 PM Z
off topic
 DAVID DISTEFANO02/10/01-10:32:02 PM Z
off topic/big Transparancy
 bmaxey1@juno.com02/11/01-04:48:45 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/11/01-04:33:33 PM Z
 D. E. Adin02/11/01-02:32:54 PM Z
 YAPAR@aol.com02/11/01-11:12:28 AM Z
off topic/big Transparency
 bmaxey1@juno.com02/11/01-04:24:12 PM Z
palladium questions
 Eric Neilsen03/01/01-12:22:06 AM Z
 Sarah Van Keuren02/27/01-09:47:17 PM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/27/01-10:17:25 PM Z
 Christina Z. Anderson02/27/01-09:19:10 PM Z
Photography: Processes, Preservation Conservation
 James Romeo02/11/01-05:39:57 PM Z
 Joachim02/11/01-03:07:56 PM Z
Photogravure Printer Needed in London or Paris
 Jonathan Bailey01/03/80-07:51:13 PM Z
 Richard Sullivan02/08/01-02:31:45 PM Z
 William Nash02/08/01-06:33:06 AM Z
Pictorialism, Steiglitz, NY times review
 Lukas Werth02/12/01-12:31:39 PM Z
 Ender100@aol.com02/11/01-10:25:37 PM Z
 Steve Shapiro02/11/01-10:21:47 PM Z
 shannon stoney02/11/01-08:11:55 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/11/01-06:00:58 PM Z
 Pam Niedermayer02/11/01-04:11:02 PM Z
 shannon stoney02/11/01-03:55:51 PM Z
 Pam Niedermayer02/11/01-02:54:29 PM Z
 shannon stoney02/11/01-12:30:15 PM Z
Pictorico size and source (from Dan)
 Luc Novovitch02/06/01-05:57:49 PM Z
 FDanB@aol.com02/06/01-04:35:29 PM Z
picturesque biblio
 Darryl Baird02/13/01-11:38:43 AM Z
pipette dreams
 Sandy King02/08/01-11:16:01 PM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/08/01-06:09:29 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/08/01-01:49:32 AM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/07/01-10:30:57 PM Z
 Craig Koshyk02/07/01-05:39:39 PM Z
 George Huczek02/07/01-05:09:33 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/07/01-03:57:04 PM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/07/01-03:29:59 PM Z
 bmaxey1@juno.com02/07/01-03:04:07 PM Z
 bmaxey1@juno.com02/07/01-03:00:19 PM Z
 nze christian02/07/01-03:00:31 PM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/07/01-02:49:04 PM Z
 nze christian02/07/01-12:38:42 PM Z
 Nick Makris02/07/01-12:23:13 PM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/07/01-12:00:58 PM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/07/01-11:53:07 AM Z
Pitorico size
 Luc Novovitch02/06/01-04:21:56 PM Z
 Nick Makris02/06/01-03:58:03 PM Z
 Luc Novovitch02/06/01-02:59:00 PM Z
 Nick Makris02/06/01-02:24:57 PM Z
Platinum (11) chloride
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/20/01-06:38:42 AM Z
 Tony McLean02/20/01-02:11:22 AM Z
 bmaxey1@juno.com02/13/01-06:28:15 PM Z
 Cor Breukel02/13/01-07:42:55 AM Z
Posterization Study
 Ender100@aol.com02/05/01-12:17:48 AM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/04/01-10:22:52 PM Z
 Ender100@aol.com02/04/01-08:53:42 PM Z
 Smieglitz@aol.com02/04/01-12:46:57 PM Z
 Pam Niedermayer02/04/01-11:24:29 AM Z
 Don Bryant02/04/01-10:20:58 AM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/04/01-10:01:07 AM Z
 Don Bryant02/04/01-07:47:18 AM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/04/01-06:36:51 AM Z
 Ender100@aol.com02/04/01-12:21:39 AM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/03/01-11:19:49 PM Z
pot. ox.
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/13/01-09:10:09 PM Z
 Joe Portale02/13/01-07:51:02 PM Z
 DAVID DISTEFANO02/13/01-05:40:28 PM Z
preshrink was register p/negs
 Sandy King02/11/01-11:38:55 PM Z
 Randall Webb02/11/01-06:39:00 PM Z
 Richard Knoppow02/11/01-09:29:35 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/10/01-05:51:29 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/10/01-05:43:02 PM Z
 mmorrill2@uswest.net02/10/01-12:10:19 PM Z
 Nelson Goforth02/10/01-09:42:04 AM Z
 Peter Fredrik02/09/01-05:40:45 PM Z
 Richard Knoppow02/10/01-12:48:43 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/10/01-12:14:54 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/10/01-12:01:07 AM Z
 Sandy King02/10/01-12:03:27 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/09/01-11:50:57 PM Z
 Dave Rose02/09/01-10:49:19 PM Z
 Sarah Van Keuren02/09/01-09:31:02 PM Z
 Garet Denise02/09/01-07:03:25 PM Z
 FotoDave@aol.com02/09/01-04:49:57 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/09/01-03:51:05 PM Z
 Sarah Van Keuren02/09/01-10:40:29 AM Z
 Don Bryant02/09/01-05:58:16 AM Z
 Sarah Van Keuren02/08/01-10:23:42 PM Z
 Sandy King02/08/01-12:25:08 AM Z
 Sarah Van Keuren02/07/01-10:20:51 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/06/01-09:35:37 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/06/01-08:40:07 PM Z
 Peter Fredrik02/06/01-01:47:34 AM Z
 Peter Fredrik02/06/01-01:43:31 AM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/06/01-09:56:01 AM Z
 Peter Fredrik02/05/01-03:42:30 PM Z
 Sarah Van Keuren02/05/01-09:16:24 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/05/01-08:26:27 PM Z
 Peter Fredrik02/05/01-06:44:00 AM Z
 Sarah Van Keuren02/05/01-04:43:38 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/05/01-02:44:34 PM Z
 Dave Rose02/05/01-08:02:34 AM Z
 Garet Denise02/04/01-06:33:04 PM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/04/01-06:25:19 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/04/01-05:41:03 PM Z
 Peter Fredrik02/04/01-01:38:18 AM Z
Print drying - was: preshrink
 Eric Neilsen02/17/01-11:51:27 AM Z
 dsbryant@telocity.com02/14/01-09:14:59 AM Z
 Lukas Werth02/14/01-03:50:46 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/13/01-02:29:14 PM Z
 Keith Gerling02/13/01-12:53:04 PM Z
 Sam Wang02/13/01-11:03:43 AM Z
 Lukas Werth02/13/01-05:57:25 AM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/13/01-05:24:47 AM Z
 Sarah Van Keuren02/12/01-09:29:06 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/12/01-08:25:55 PM Z
 Sam Wang02/12/01-01:02:28 PM Z
PS re inkjet negatives on vellum
 Judy Seigel02/10/01-12:09:12 AM Z
 Andre Fuhrmann02/09/01-07:08:59 AM Z
Pyro shelf life?
 cor02/12/01-05:34:18 AM Z
 nze christian02/11/01-04:23:09 PM Z
 Sandy King02/12/01-04:11:44 AM Z
 Darryl Baird02/11/01-10:07:32 AM Z
Pyrocat Development Information
 Sandy King03/01/01-07:40:11 AM Z
registering paper negatives
 Judy Seigel02/06/01-09:29:38 PM Z
 Dave Rose02/06/01-08:41:36 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/05/01-08:05:56 PM Z
 Dave Rose02/05/01-07:01:49 PM Z
 Dave Rose02/05/01-06:57:10 PM Z
 Sarah Van Keuren02/05/01-04:25:17 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/05/01-02:11:55 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/05/01-02:10:02 PM Z
 Dave Rose02/05/01-08:26:54 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/04/01-06:40:47 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/04/01-06:13:50 PM Z
 Lukas Werth02/04/01-04:58:45 AM Z
 Dave Rose02/04/01-12:06:23 AM Z
 Dave Rose02/04/01-12:04:56 AM Z
 Don Bryant02/03/01-08:42:37 PM Z
 Dave Rose02/03/01-08:15:01 PM Z
 Sarah Van Keuren02/03/01-08:06:09 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/03/01-07:07:04 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/03/01-06:24:29 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/03/01-06:12:59 PM Z
 FotoDave@aol.com02/03/01-08:45:55 AM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/03/01-07:04:34 AM Z
 Dave Rose02/02/01-11:49:48 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/02/01-09:47:40 PM Z
 FotoDave@aol.com02/02/01-09:37:58 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/02/01-01:21:55 AM Z
 FotoDave@aol.com02/01/01-08:39:47 AM Z
registration device
 James Romeo02/14/01-06:32:48 PM Z
Ri:virus warning
 alnovo@inwind.it02/20/01-01:13:55 AM Z
Sacramento visit
 Don02/14/01-05:24:17 PM Z
 ken watson02/14/01-03:45:58 PM Z
Salt prints??
 Cor Breukel02/22/01-05:00:06 AM Z
 Joe Portale02/21/01-07:41:43 PM Z
 Sandy King02/22/01-05:15:50 AM Z
 Sil Horwitz02/21/01-12:04:16 PM Z
 Jack Fulton02/21/01-09:58:57 AM Z
 Joe Portale02/21/01-08:06:43 AM Z
 Andre Fuhrmann02/21/01-04:01:56 AM Z
 Sandy King02/21/01-04:57:31 AM Z
 Lukas Werth02/20/01-02:34:39 PM Z
Saving JPEG's for Web use?
 Peter Marshall02/09/01-02:28:36 PM Z
 FDanB@aol.com02/07/01-11:12:18 AM Z
 Nick Makris02/07/01-08:58:02 AM Z
 Ingo02/07/01-07:49:55 AM Z
 Dave Rose02/07/01-08:13:40 AM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/07/01-07:00:50 AM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/07/01-06:55:46 AM Z
 Jeffrey D. Mathias02/07/01-06:36:41 AM Z
 Gary Miller02/06/01-11:33:21 PM Z
 garimo02/06/01-11:23:10 PM Z
 Darryl Baird02/06/01-06:26:57 PM Z
 D. E. Adin02/06/01-10:53:59 PM Z
 Luc Novovitch02/06/01-10:43:39 PM Z
 Dave Rose02/06/01-10:26:11 PM Z
 Dave Rose02/06/01-10:23:29 PM Z
silver/bronze mirror prints
 alberto.novo@tin.it02/13/01-01:28:09 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/12/01-08:17:05 PM Z
 alberto.novo@tin.it02/12/01-05:04:53 AM Z
Sizing Problem - Gum over Kallitype
 Sarah Van Keuren02/07/01-07:28:06 PM Z
 Keith Gerling02/07/01-11:37:20 AM Z
sketchy Temperprint was preshrink
 Peter Fredrik02/10/01-05:57:17 PM Z
Source of alt proc chemicals in Germany?
 Marco Pauck02/11/01-09:54:00 AM Z
Sources for Graduates and Chemistry
 FDanB@aol.com02/07/01-05:01:27 PM Z
 alnovo@inwind.it02/21/01-05:43:06 AM Z
Starch sizing
 Joe Portale02/08/01-09:04:12 PM Z
 yudit02/08/01-07:42:41 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/08/01-01:56:31 AM Z
 Joe Portale02/07/01-06:21:35 PM Z
 George Huczek02/07/01-05:03:19 PM Z
Stieglitz exhibit at the National Gallery
 Carl Weese02/10/01-06:20:41 AM Z
 B. Izzo02/09/01-10:22:15 PM Z
surface of a gum print
 Judy Seigel02/05/01-07:55:39 PM Z
 jacques verschuren02/28/01-02:58:43 PM Z
the picturesque
 shannon stoney02/13/01-09:18:00 AM Z
toned cyanotype
 Judy Seigel02/05/01-02:20:45 PM Z
Trays in a cupboard.
 Witho Worms en Jorien van Santen02/25/01-03:29:05 AM Z
 Gordon J. Holtslander02/23/01-06:18:08 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/11/01-06:03:30 PM Z
 AEFFECTS@aol.com02/08/01-11:50:50 PM Z
 Rob Curfman02/08/01-10:36:58 PM Z
unsubscribe alt-photo-process-l
 Radosti@aol.com02/28/01-05:52:13 PM Z
Using Lith film as In-camera negatives: was: Definition of alternative photo processes
 Judy Seigel02/14/01-10:12:25 PM Z
 Cor Breukel02/14/01-03:26:25 AM Z
UV exposure units
 Steve Shapiro02/25/01-12:05:22 AM Z
 Garet Denise02/24/01-09:20:48 PM Z
 Tod Gangler02/24/01-06:01:31 PM Z
 Richard Knoppow02/24/01-03:19:58 PM Z
 bmaxey1@juno.com02/23/01-07:14:50 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/23/01-02:08:19 AM Z
 Tod Gangler02/22/01-12:33:17 PM Z
 FDanB@aol.com02/22/01-08:47:08 AM Z
 Patrick Kelley02/22/01-08:15:24 AM Z
UV exposure units - stochastic screens
 Judy Seigel02/27/01-11:15:16 PM Z
 Don Bryant02/27/01-07:34:59 PM Z
 Katharine Thayer02/27/01-09:42:35 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/26/01-10:05:57 PM Z
 David J. Romano02/26/01-07:39:30 AM Z
UV exposure units/Stochastic screening
 Tod Gangler02/25/01-08:51:51 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/25/01-06:10:39 PM Z
 Tod Gangler02/25/01-02:08:35 PM Z
virus warning
 bmaxey1@juno.com02/19/01-09:29:07 PM Z
 Joe Portale02/19/01-07:40:34 PM Z
Wet plate photography
 MICHAEL STEINLE02/16/01-07:16:43 PM Z
what is the best Plexiglas?
 Judy Seigel02/23/01-10:06:04 PM Z
 Robert W. Schramm02/23/01-08:21:29 PM Z
 Robert W. Schramm02/23/01-07:39:08 PM Z
 Judy Seigel02/23/01-03:13:35 PM Z
 alnovo@inwind.it02/23/01-03:43:45 AM Z
 Greg Schmitz02/23/01-03:41:16 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/23/01-02:06:44 AM Z
 Robert W. Schramm02/22/01-07:40:32 AM Z
 Gary Miller02/21/01-10:01:40 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/21/01-01:02:38 AM Z
 Gary Miller02/20/01-09:08:35 AM Z
 Gary Miller02/20/01-12:15:26 AM Z
what is the best plexiglass?
 Joachim02/20/01-08:27:28 AM Z
 Joachim02/20/01-08:21:25 AM Z
 Judy Seigel02/20/01-01:01:19 AM Z
 garimo02/19/01-10:20:35 PM Z
 Gary Miller02/19/01-10:15:09 PM Z
 Jack Fulton02/19/01-08:44:32 PM Z
 Andy Darlow02/19/01-03:03:36 PM Z
Workshop Announcement
 Jonathan Bailey02/26/01-06:02:15 PM Z
 Galina Manikova01/31/01-05:55:28 PM Z

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