Re: Callie Type and Tripe

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From: Richard Sullivan FRPS (
Date: 06/27/01-10:45:05 AM Z


I first expected Judy but in a nanosecond dropped that idea. Judy is like
me, she is pretty up front with her ideas and she is at least up front open
about them and articulate enough to fight on open turf. It boggles my mind
that anyone would think that I'd announce the award and then come out
secretly and smear shit all over it.

It is also not Terry King. He was one of my sponsors for the Fellowship and
wrote a letter of recommendation for the Honorary Fellowship. I was not
aware of this at the time. We are currently in the planning stages for me
to teach a workshop at his studio in Richmond in the fall.

Callie was extremely hostile to me and the award and it hardly makes any
sense at all for Terry to purposefully gone to lengths to sponsor me for
the award only to bring me all of this grief. I have private email from
another sleuth who said that on another list someone calling themselves
Terry King was operating out of Saskatoon Canada. Perhaps he's moved back
to the UK, who knows.

I have some strong suspicions with a very strong circumstantial basis but
they will remain undisclosed.

And Gordon, You deserve a medal!


At 10:03 AM 6/27/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>Hi all:
>Callie Type and Callie Tripe appear to be the same person.
>I did some research. Hotmail will not release the real ID's of any
>account holder unless issued a subpeona by a law enforcement agency.
>However email messages sent with hotmail include a header line in the
>message indicating the IP number of the computer used to send the message.
>Most email programs hide most of the header lines, but one can usually
>coax an email program to display all the header info
>This line is labelled X-Originating-IP:
>This means it is possible to trace a hotmail message down to the computer
>that was used to send it.
>The X-Originating IP number used by Callie Tripe was
>This number is the same for Callie Type.
>Here is some IP number basics. The internet runs on IP numbers. Every
>computer on the net has a unique IP number.
>The first two or three sets of numbers are usually statically assigned to
>a service provider. For example every computer at the U of S has an IP
>number starting with
>A service provider will assign a user a permanent IP number or give a
>computer a temporary IP number within the range of IP numbers it controls.
>The latter is usually what happens with a modem connection.
>With this info I can say its highly unlikely that Callie is Dick Sullivan
>or Judy Seigel, unless they each have two different computers using
>different Service Providers.
>The range of IP numbers used by Callie Tipe/Trype (206.141.) is
>similar to two people who posted messages this month.
>One of them being Terry King.
>I hope this helps resolve things.
>Gordon J. Holtslander Dept. of Biology
> 112 Science Place
> University of Saskatchewan
>Tel (306) 966-4433 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
>Fax (306) 966-4461 Canada S7N 5E2

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