From: Robert Hall (
Date: 03/18/01-12:46:09 PM Z
> From: Christina Z. Anderson
> Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2001 10:10 AM
> The water comment was just a possible variable that I threw
> out for why my negs are always green, never yellow as the original
> poster was saying.
I have a fairly even water supply, softened and filtered. The ph is just on
the base side. Using PMK I've mixed myself, the color of my negs vary quite
a bit depending on the film I use. I shoot roll film (120). My PXP (Plus X
pan) comes out green-yellow (more green than yellow) and the green is a
light green. On the tri-x I get a slightly darker green and a little less
stain than the Plus X. And on Delta 100 I get a very olive stain, more
yellow. It also appears to have a higher contrast than the Plus X, or more
specifically, the appearance of the PXP negs have more green stain in the
rebate and shadow areas.
But of course I'm still in the honeymoon phase of Pyro. It is so much
easier to get consistent results and to print that, at present, I really
don't care what color the stain is, I'm just glad to be there. ;-)
> But it seems to me that the stain color does not affect the
> contrast of the print, or at least I have read that fact. It just
> reads as density, so it probably doesn't matter that my negs are
> one color and his another.
I've over developed intentionally just to see what I'd get and I just got
longer exposure times. (A very non-scientific test) The stain was pretty
much the same color, just darker.
My 2¢,
R. Gary Hall
Infrared and lith prints...
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