Rollo-Pyro dilution matters and others

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From: Manuel (
Date: 05/01/01-11:10:30 AM Z

Hello Harald,

Thanks for your words of encouragement.

Concerning your famous Rollo-Pyro formula will you be so kind to help me
with the following questions?

1-Why in "Rollo-Pyro" bottle I received from Lotus View Camera , they
refer the the solution A as "Rollo- PMK stock Solution A" and the
solution B as " Rollo-PMK stock solution B".

PMK ?!? Shouldn't be ABC + Pyro ?!

2- In" The New Platinum Print" By Richard Sullivan And Carl Weese in page
18 they refer 1:2:75 as standard dilution , but the quantities indicated
are 15ml of Rollo Pyro solution A and 30ml of solution B for 1 liter of
water which doesn't match with the 1:2:75 indicated.

In the NOV/DEC 1999 issue of Photo Techniques magazine (page 46) in the
article " Pyro development for Dual-Purpose Negatives by Carl Weese that
basically is the extracted text from the book referred above, for the
same quantities, the dilution indicated is 1.5:3:100.
Ahead in the same article (page49) in the " Film-by-film recommendations"
for the Tri-x, 1:2:75 is the indicated standard dilution !

Please help ! :-0
What is considered the standard dilution for Rollo-Pyro or ABC + Pyro ?

3-Again in the same bottle from Lotus View Camera is written :

"Mix 2 parts A+8 parts B+ 100 parts water"

If this is " Rollo-Pyro , formula according to Harald Leban " why is this
indicated dilution different?

4-Usually, I use as standard temperature for Lotus View Camera
"Rollo-Pyro" , 24° Celsius with JOBO CPP-2, because in the summer is
difficult here in Portugal to keep the water temperature lower than this

How is the behaviour of Rollo-Pyro at different temperatures ? Is there
any published correction temperature curve for this developer ?

5- What agitation speed do you advise for Rollo-Pyro ?

You can relax Harald this is the last question.

6-The Rollo-Pyro I have from Lotus V.Camera is more than one year old. I've
split the the Stock solution B in several small botles to control oxidation,
but even like this, the solution turned from a light to a more dark yellow
color in the last months .
Can this oxidation symptom be enough to turn the solution useless ?

Harald , sorry for the time I'm taking from you , and thank you very much in
for your support.

Regards from Portugal

Manuel Gomes Teixeira
Punctum Studios Ltd


From: Harald Leban <>
Reply-To: Harald Leban <>
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 21:50:03 +0200
Subject: To Manuel

Hello Manuel,
I know there is much truth in your words, I feel also very lonely with my
photographic work here in Austria - I think I can count the people on one
hand who make alternative techniques.
But if we would think more global in this case we will find that there is a
great family worldwide and we are a part of it.
Today it is no real problem to go shopping in a foreign country from home
via internet, the shipping is faster and cheaper than ever so there is no
real barrier to buy papers in USA, films in Great Britain or France, Japan
If you are really interested you have the chance to develop your own
characteristic style in platinum, carbon or gum - the old masters had no
internet, no telephone and video and used there chance to create an unique
style - Art.
I think for the next future the availability of materials is safed.
Maybe I can welcome you at my platinum workshop in August - not only to show
"how" to print - more "why" to print in this style.
Best wishes

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Manuel <>
An: Alt-Photo-List <>
Gesendet: Montag, 23. April 2001 02:08
Betreff: Re: Harald Leban is back

Dear Harald,

I'm very pleased to hear news from you.
Your name is very familiar to me from books ,and from..... the Rollo-Pyro
bottle I've ordered from Lotus View Camera :-).
I hope to attend your workshop in August and to learn more about Pyro and
I've made my first platinum print two years ago, and almost everything I
learned afterwards was from trial and error, plus all the literature and
magazines I could get.

To be honest I don't know anyone here in Portugal to exchange experiences
about this matter, and as you can imagine apart from the impossibility to
get most of necessary chemistry ingredients and paper near home, make
this mission sometimes rather difficult.
I think that this does not only applies to this country but for Europe in
Where are the european Platinum printers and Pyro enthusiasts ? 99% of the
information and resources I get are from USA. I 'm sure that if was not
their market potential almost all large format related products would be
My only hope is that the growing interest in traditional photographic
processes will get stronger and stronger in USA , Europe and in rest of
the world .

Best regards from Portugal

Manuel Gomes Teixeira
Punctum Studios Ltd

Hello from Austria,
after a nearly ONE-year absence from this list I have subscribed it again to
hear some good news about Pyro-developing, Platinum/Palladium and
Gold-Printing etc.. - from good old and hopefully new friends.

How do you feel the regular high prices of Palladium metal ?

For a portfolio of Platinum prints I am looking for the right paper and
don´t want to test them all.
Somebody out there who knows a good paper which should be available on the
European market with equal characteristics (weight, surface) like the Cranes
Kid Paper ? I had great success with this paper in the past.

Thank you in advance


Harald Leban
Austria / E.U.

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