From: Manuel (
Date: 05/04/01-06:53:53 PM Z
Perhaps you don't have a clue because this discussion began with my post of
May 1 which Carl Weese kindly replied.
I think that this question is now completely clarified and I don't want
the all members of this forum to get bored with it.
I will post the sequence of questions/replies which I think will help you
to understand the origin of this matter.
Thanks again Carl . :-)
Punctum Studios ltd
Portugal EU
This discussion began with my post of May 1 when I asked:
2- In" The New Platinum Print" By Richard Sullivan And Carl Weese in page
18 they refer 1:2:75 as standard dilution , but the quantities indicated
are 15ml of Rollo Pyro solution A and 30ml of solution B for 1 liter of
water which doesn't match with the 1:2:75 indicated.
In the NOV/DEC 1999 issue of Photo Techniques magazine (page 46) in the
article " Pyro development for Dual-Purpose Negatives by Carl Weese that
basically is the extracted text from the book referred above, for the
same quantities, the dilution indicated is 1.5:3:100.
Ahead in the same article (page49) in the " Film-by-film recommendations"
for the Tri-x, 1:2:75 is the indicated standard dilution !
Please help ! :-0
What is considered the standard dilution for Rollo-Pyro or ABC + Pyro ?
Carl replied:
The normal dilution of PMK is 10ml A plus 20ml B in 1000 ml of water
(1:2:100). The standard dilution of ABC+ is 15ml + 30ml in 1000. This can be
expressed as 1:2:75 or 1.5:3:100. However since it's a much more active
developer, with relatively high contrast films like FP4 and sheet TXT, it
can be more convenient to use it at the weaker 1:2:100 dilution.---Carl
Ater this you know the sequence.
> From: Nick Makris <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Fri, 04 May 2001 14:27:20 -0700
> To:
> Subject: Re: Rollo-Pyro dilution matters and others
> Manual, For the benefit of us non math types, would you elaborate just a
> little on the meanings of these mathematical references. For some reason, I
> don't have a clue.
> Many thanks,
> Nick
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