Re: Re: Digitan(sic) Negs

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Date: 05/13/01-09:54:54 PM Z

>>There are pros and cons to each side. Personally, I'm schizo on this
>>I'm starting to use a recently acquired 11x14 camera and at the same
>>trying to learn all the digital stuff to incorporate into a new photo
>>I'm designing at the local community college. I prefer the traditional
>>also see the utility of the novel.

You will go through several stages. You will hate trying to figure out
the best way to pack that camera, the tripod, half a dozen holders,
filters and a large dark cloth, and you will learn how to be a better
photographer because you can't pack as much film, so you will pick and
choose what you photograph. You will then eventually get to a point -
after that first glorious print, that you made a wise decision to use a
view camera - especially a large size one.

Good luck and welcome to real photography.


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