From: Judy Seigel (
Date: 10/03/01-04:52:01 PM Z
Brahma, we can't keep meeting this way -- or you'll never get to Sardinia
& I'll never get my income tax (for year 2000, due April 15, promised for
tomorrow) done... but ....
I forgot to ask if the 2000 Wilcox covers the Daniel Smith paints. If not,
I suspect it's irrelevant anyway, because IME they're the ones to beat.
Anyway, thinking over discussion til now, I'd say the most important
single quality of a tube paint for a gum printer (after achival quality of
the pigment, and I'd bet even that is affected by being embedded in gum)
may well be the amount and covering power of pigment -- not "handling" as
There was something else I forget at this moment -- tho I also meant to
explain about growing vegetables in the city. A lot of folks have lovely
roof gardens, the tomatoes especially are sublime. But we live on the
ground floor, with 60 feet (20 meters) of yard. So my kids did indeed grow
corn (spindly but corn), radishes & lettuce. One year my son planted a
"lawn" & came home to water it every day after school. He left for summer
camp with explicit instructions about lawn care in his absence. So how do
you mow a plot about 4 by 4 meters? Hand mowers were expensive antiques.
I didn't feature a riding mower. I clipped it by hand with garden shears.
Never underestimate the power of a determined city gardener (him, not me.
I'm happy with weeds).
However, we have no more sunlight -- the trees have gotten out of hand,
the leafage so thick day is almost like night, sunny skies like rain. Our
own hemlock, begun as a twig given out to daughter in girl scouts, now 3
stories high, is currently being killed by 5 story high swamp maple in the
yard behind us. (Nature is cruel.) On the other side a blossoming cherry
once a mere sapling has gotten huge enough to blot out light from there.
Neighbor has offered to prune it, but for one week in spring it's a
glorious crush of pink blossoms against my studio windows. When the birds
come sit on a bough it's like being inside a japanese woodcut.
Sorry I can't sell you a vapor print, I haven't noticed an increase in
black particulate matter... lots of dust, odor, and mice influx, but I
doubt you can make a gum print with those. But if you (or anyone not
already a subscriber) wish my "interpretation" of the WTC, send 4
international reply coupons for postage (or $2 from US) for P-F #7
[Post-Factory, 61 Morton Street, NYC, NY 10014] . Planned for about turn
of the year, the issue will have my WTC on the cover.
A friend meanwhile has forwarded me an excerpt from one of two new
books about the WTC, making clearer than I could the original -- and
continuing -- objections to that development... possibly moreso today,
and in any event it's always good to meditate on past sins.
If that interests you (or anyone) ask offlist & (assuming I can find it in
the file overload) I'll forward.
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