From: Mac Legrandi (
Date: 10/06/01-02:14:22 AM Z
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You may want to contact Agfa, and find out who uses their imagesetters. They promote thier Diamond technology which is advanced stocastic screening. It is just a selection to be made when they print on most Agfa imagesetters.
Good luck
>Hi. I am looking for somebody to make some stocastic dot negatives for me on
>an imagesetter, a la Dan B. But the businesses listed in the back of Dan's
>book that I have called are no longer doing that, that is, the one in San
>Antonio and the one in Myrtle Beach. Also, all the service bureaus I have
>called in Houston make half tone negatives, not stochastic dot negatives. I
>was wondering if people on this list have a favorite service bureau that
>use, that I could possibly mail a disk to and get my images set that way.
>if you know of one in Houston, so much the better!
>Or maybe I should just get a half tone negative made locally? What's your
>opinion? (The idea is to enlarge my 4x5 negatives for contact printing.)
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