From: Darryl Baird (
Date: 10/17/01-10:14:32 AM Z
> the number of hours that faculty at U of H actually spend
> teaching is only about 12-15 hours a week.
That's just what you can see. Preparation can take twice as much time or
more than the time spent in class. Plus, believe me, there is a lot of
bureaucracy aka paperwork involved in teaching. My favorite is
budgeting, purchasing, program funding issues. Of course, after several
years of teaching the same classes, one would expect the fine tuning to
be complete and the course will become easier to teach, but the students
don't get better or smarter just because the faculty have ;->
They still require the same amount of hand holding, critique, badgering,
cajoling, teasing, and clarification as always. Plus the art world isn't
so static, it requires a fairly large commitment of time to remain
current. If the faculty doesn't grow personally, they suffer burn out,
which is a very real problem in the academy.
I can't comment on the WTC as I cannot digest and internalize this
horror very quickly. FWIW, I served during Viet Nam and I haven't gotten
over that experience yet.
-- Darryl
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