From: shannon stoney (
Date: 09/08/01-07:41:42 AM Z
I think we have discussed this a little before, but have other people
had problems with cyanotype emulsion fogging while it dries? I am
back in Houston now, where there's been lots of rain all summer.
There is still water standing in ditches around our neighborhood
because there's no place for it to run off to. As a result it is
quite humid here. I am doing my coating in the house, in AC, and
drying it in a cabinet in the house, but it is fogging while it
dries, turning a bit green. This was not happening in TN, where I
coated at night on the porch and the paper dried with a fan on that
drew air through the porch. I am wondering what to do to prevent
this fogging. Should I get a hairdryer and blow dry the paper? Or
set up some sort of fan in the cabinet to move air around the paper
while it's drying? Or put a dessicant in there? My partner thinks
that it shouldn't be very humid in the house since we have the AC on,
but I can't think of any other explanation for why this is happening.
I am using the same paper and emulsion I was using in TN, except that
this time I ordered the bright white Crane's platinotype instead of
the cream I think.
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