From: Lukas Werth (
Date: 09/15/01-08:20:33 AM Z
My normal toner for salt prints is the common borax toner which works quite
well. I tried selenium for another image colour.
I want to try the toner recipy you give, but are you sure about the low
content of gold? Reilly gives this recipy for platinum, but says: 50 ml 1%
potassium chloroplatinate, 4g citric acid, 750 ml water. I am not familiar
with the % of the #3 solution.
What image colours do you get with gold?
>In my opinion the best way to get around the problem you are having
>with salted paper and selenium toners is to switch toners. Gold and
>platinum work much better and can be used in very dilute solutions
>that makes their use feasible from an economic point of view.
>I have had good success with the following gold and platinum toner:
> water 900ml
> citric acid 5g
> Potassium Chloroplatinite (#3 solution) 5ml
> (or Gold Chloride 1%) 5ml
> Water to 1000ml
>In my work a liter of toner has the capacity of about (10) 12X20
>prints, that is, about 0.5 ml of either the gold or platinum solution
>are needed for each print). However, the mixed solution does go bad,
>so if you are working with smaller prints I would recommend mixing
>the toner in smaller batches of 100-200 ml. For greatest consistency
>I mix the toner 200 ml at a time and use this for toning two 12X20
>prints, then I discard.
>BTW, the above toners work nicely not only with salted paper but also
>with kallitype (including Van Dycke), and POP.
>You can also split tone with these formulas, but if so make sure to
>tone first with gold, wash, then follow with platinum. Tone before
>Sandy King
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