From: Richard Sullivan (
Date: 04/18/02-09:03:17 AM Z
To the good folks on the List:
The Bradford APIS sign up form is now on the Bostick & Sullivan web site at:
Seating at the conference is limited so if you intend to go sign up now!
This is a great chance to see the museum at Bradford England which is also
the new custodian of the Collection of the Royal Photographic Society. It
will be held Saturday July 13, and Sunday July 14 2002 at the National
Museum of Photography Film and Televison. I know that most of you on the
List would love to go but I also know that due to circumstances many won't
be able to make it.
From every report all of the APIS symposiums have been a great success,
ask anyone who has attended one. Topics have ranged from Lippmann color
photography, to daguerreotype, to current issues in Brazilian alternative
photography. Keep a look out on the B+S web site where the program will
soon be posted.
Soooo... if you can't make it this year consider coming to APIS 2003 in
Santa Fe, New Mexico in July of 2003 which is during PhotoArts Santa Fe.
Maybe if you are one of the really lucky ones you can make both Bradofrd
this year and Santa Fe next.
See you in England!
--Dick Sullivan HonFRPS
Unites States Coordinator
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