From: Shannon Stoney (
Date: 08/23/02-11:17:09 PM Z
I ran across a quote from Weston's Daybooks today that might have some
bearing on the discussion about Weston's nudes.
"October 1, 1930. ...But maybe I have the solution--why others find sex in
my work and I do not: it came from an artist...who called on me
recently....He said, in effect, that I had seen...natural forms...with such
intensity, with such direct honesty, that a tremendous force like sex, which
enters into, permeates all nature, could not but be revealed." (Quoted by
Susan Griffin in The Eros of Everyday Life.)
I think he's talking about the peppers probably here; there are so many
ellipses in the quote that it's hard to know. But maybe you could also
apply this idea to the human figure.
At first I thought that maybe Weston and his artist friend had been reading
Dylan Thomas, but "The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower"
wasn't written till 1933.
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