Date: 08/24/02-12:29:25 PM Z
A friend of mine attributes the following quote to May West when asked the
difference between Art and Porn...
"The lighting."
I am enjoying this discussion. I am having trouble understanding the idea
that there is no way the human figure can be painted, sculpted, photographed
or rendered in some other way that it does not denigrate either the male or
female of the species. Other than Shannon's comment about the statue of
David, there hasn't been much reference to male nudes. Would the discussion
be any different if it were about "human nudes?"
Personally, I enjoy the rendering of the human body in many media. I enjoy
the more abstract, and I enjoy the sensuous, and I enjoy the erotic. I
sometimes feel that in this society we put up with all sorts of T&A
commercialism, but are afraid to look at an honest, well crafted image of the
human body. It's ok to "tease", but not ok to be honest. It's seems like an
adolescent viewpoint... or maybe infantile.
I'm a nude photographer and proud of it... but it does present the danger of
frostbite when I'm taking those winter landscapes.
Mark Nelson
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