Re: sallie tisdale book on porn

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From: Judy Seigel (
Date: 08/28/02-12:34:51 AM Z

On Tue, 27 Aug 2002, shannon stoney wrote:
> >.... Whatever Catherine MacKinnon or Andrea
> >Dworkin might say about it, this is a liberating book. It's also a
> >good read. Ask your library to buy a copy.
> >This review first appeared in Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed #44
> >(Fall/Winter 9'7-98, C.A.L. Press, POB 1446, Columbia, MO 65205
> >1446, USA)

Given the media culture in which we live, I suppose it's no surprise that
the reductio ad absurdum position (try that for a kick) gets the
attention, and somehow to represent the feminist view of sex. For the
record, however, having spent considerable time "in the trenches" (&
edited a book of panels that witnessed the birth of the women's movement
in art) I am willing to promise that the notion that heterosexual sex is
rape (more or less the Dworkin claim) is not shared by many heterosexuals.

Don't know if "Caught Looking" is still available, & don't remember the
25-years ago details -- co-edited by Abby Tallmer, sort of girl porn
and argument, fun, and full of attitude. If you find it, you'll like it.

However the name Catherine McKinnon also stirs memories... Fresh off her
campaign to outlaw porn, she acted out a sort of Saturday-night-live
version of romance, a full 180 degree turn, going all dewy-eyed and
fluttery over her marriage to oh -- what's his name -- Jeffrey M......?
The fellow who was custodian of the Freud archives like bull in a
Chinashop, made a bunch of extreme but unsupported claims & generally was
Peck's bad boy.


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