Date: 01/04/02-05:36:05 AM Z
In a message dated 04/01/02 04:38:51 GMT Standard Time,
> In Barnier's book Ted Rice suggests toning platinum prints with mecuric
> chloride. Has anyone tried this? Where can mecuric chloride be purchased
> since the big three photo chemical suppliers do not list it.
> Thanks,
> Don Bryant
MERCURIC CHLORIDE:- It is a powerful poison, 3 gms being the smallest fatal
dose known. The antidote is albumen, or white of egg, with which it forms an
insoluble compound, followed by emetics. As the salt is readily absorbed by
the skin, it is advisable to exercise extreme care in handling. For a
convenient method of preparing a solution of mercuric chloride, refer to
CALOMEL. An old name for the insoluble mercurous chloride. When digested with
dilute hydrochloric acid in a water bath - say, a jam jar set in a saucepan-
it is rapidly converted into mercuric chloride, but the FREE ACCESS OF AIR is
essential to this reaction. Some persons who require mercuric chloride
solution for the purpose of intensification, prefer to prepare the solution
as above, as Calomel can be bought without trouble, while mercuric chloride
comes within the Poisons Act.
from Dictionary of Photography 1897 by E.J.Wall.
Good Luck and take care. John Grocott- Photographist - London England
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