FW: photopolymer

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From: Galina Manikova (galina@online.no)
Date: 07/22/02-03:03:28 PM Z


you might want to try a silkscreen photopolymer emulsion, that is intended
for waterbased colors,
f.e. the one from Murakami called Aquasol. It comes in two versions, be sure
to ask for the one, that is white, not blue, if you want to use it as a base
for other colors.

I have tried that a lot, it takes pigments in large grains as well and is
easy to handle. I am not sure if it is so healthy as it is said to be. There
was a discussion on this list once upon a time on the subject and people
said, that these emulsions are based on dichromates, even though they say,
that it is only a polymer.

One thing is certain - it is only high contrast, no tones. So it will never
be the same as gelatin-, gum- or other colloid-dichromate.



Galina Manikova
Alternative alternative
Storgata 13
3183 Horten

-----Original Message-----
From: Monnoyer Philippe [mailto:monnoyer@imec.be]
Sent: 22. juli 2002 10:38
To: alt-photo-process-l@skyway.usask.ca
Subject: photopolymer


I would like to try the equivalent of carbon printing and/or gum dichromate
with photopolymer instead of the usual colloid(gelatin, gum,
What I need is a photopolymer that will dry before exposure and that will
keep from damaging my negs. A water soluble photopolymer would be good.

Does anybody have experience with that, or know such a photopolymer ? I
guess that the photopolymer used in screen printing might work.



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