RE: images on metal

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From: Wendy Gollihue (
Date: 07/29/02-12:44:31 PM Z

Forgive me, a senior moment, but there was an artist presented at the Foto
Fest that printed on metals. Possibly if we could figure out who she was
then maybe find her process.

She photographed inmates at a prison in Louisana or was it Texas. On the
back she etched details about the person. These metal plates, many, were
presented in a very cold dark metal upright thing that resembled, to me
anyway, a library catalog cabinet. You pulled out the heavy cold metal
drawer to reveal the plates with images on them.

I saw her work at the History of Photography Museum in Houston.

Who is she?

Wendy (TX)

-----Original Message-----
From: Gordon J. Holtslander []
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 1:36 AM
Subject: images on metal


I got an offlist request for information about putting photographic images
on metal. This is from a sculptor who wants to put images onto a flat
bronze (or steel) surface.

She is considering liquid light, I suggested silk-screening. I am
wondering if anyone has tried anything else? She doesn't want to etch it.



Gordon J. Holtslander Dept. of Biology 112 Science Place University of Saskatchewan
Tel (306) 966-4433 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Fax (306) 966-4461 Canada S7N 5E2

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