RE: Larry Roohr

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From: Larry Roohr (
Date: 03/02/02-10:03:13 AM Z

Hi Nick,

I got trashed by the AT&T - Excite mess. Screwed up a bunch of email type

Believe it or not I was going to write you with a question. I seem to
remember someone reporting good results with pictorico and peizo, but he was
using a specific setup, profile and such. Do you remember who that was?

How are things going? I'm still hoping something becomes available that will
allow the peizo quality on a transparency. Sharp transparency material with
enough dot gain to cover up the defects. I've been out of the loop for a
while now (that 'job' thing) but I'm starting to get bits of time here and
there to work on this some more.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Makris []
Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2002 8:49 AM
To: Alt Photo
Subject: Larry Roohr

I have 2 email addresses for Larry Roohr and neither are working - Larry,
are you there??


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