Re: The future of the handmade print?

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From: Eric Neilsen (
Date: 03/10/02-03:38:10 PM Z

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Portale" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2002 8:36 AM
Subject: Re: The future of the handmade print?

<snip BIG SNIP>

So, don't get too worked up about this. Some people will work in digital,
some will make salted paper prints, some will use "found objects" to make
their sculpture. None of these means to the end are any less valid. Do what
you love, make no excuses for what you do, don't worry about trends and you
will find yourself much happier and productive.

Okay, I've yapped along enough,

Joe Portale


This, I believe, is what drives the artist to create and anything beyond
that is marketing and has to do with turning your passion into a way to make
a living.


Some dealers think there will be separate markets for handmade prints vs.
digitally output prints. I have no idea how that concept shakes down in
terms of respect, demand or dollars.

What do those on the list think?


I think that many gallery people, owners and art buyers, have a hard
enough time understanding photographs as art already and now the photo
community is presenting another unknown to them. It will be up to the
individual artist to explain the value in their work in terms that the other
parts of the art world can understand and through so doing allow them to put
into their already arbitrary price structure.

just another 2 cents from a silver gelatin, platinum/palladium, color and
B&W inkjet printer

 Eric Neilsen

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