Re: Archival Matters

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From: Gregory W. Blank (
Date: 03/20/02-10:26:55 PM Z


I have a friend who is somewhere? :-) That suggested that umounted prints
were the way to go. He stated the proper proceedure for umounted prints
was to make the print on a larger sheet of paper then sign on the paper and
impress, with a die, one's seal or insignia upon the print corner.
Any thoughts?

on 3/20/02 10:43 PM, Bob Kiss at wrote:

> I feel like quoting that old song, "There, I've said it again!"
> The issue with lovely museum boards, especially 100% cotton, it that
> bugs like to eat them! And they are damaged regularly by handling and
> insecure storage. These are bigger concerns than whether the latest board
> will last 50, 75, or 100 years or will have any deleterious effect on the
> image if you use the latest technology in archival tissues and boards.
> This is why museums workers and curators shudder at the idea of
> standard (read irreversible) dry mounting.
> Regarding Ansel Adams, I repeat for, I think, the fourth time on this
> list that my friendly curator, Jose Orraca, makes a very good living
> un-mounting Ansel Adams prints due to insect or other damage to mount
> boards. It is a delicate, nasty, expensive process. So Ansel was wrong
> about mounting his own least from the perspective of those
> collecting his work...and at HIS prices, one would hope for a minimum of
> trouble! Dry mounting is a bad idea if you care about those people who want
> to collect your work.
> And, again, when I asked Jose if I should dry mount my work, he said,
> "Please do...then when you are famous I can make MORE money un-mounting YOUR
> prints!"
> Tongue in cheek, of course! So another well known, working, archivist votes
> against dry mounting...other than to put more money in his own pocket!
> For those who have already read this, I apologize. For those who have
> already read this and disregard it...Proceed at your own risk but know that
> collectors are getting more savvy and knowledgeable every day...

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