From: Tony McLean (
Date: 03/26/02-05:01:23 PM Z
on 26/3/02 10:04 pm, Bob Kiss at wrote:
> On p. 38 of WJPFP #7 you have a paragraph "...from Tony McLean on toning
> cyanotype". It describes using either Nickel Sulfate or Nitrate to make the
> Cyanos "alkaline resistant" though what caught my attention was the
> statement that this "...will produce a color shift toward turquoise..."
> Well, I have obtained some Nickel Sulfate and would like to have a
> suggestion as to the concentration of the solution in g/Liter or %. You
> cite it as being from "the list". Is Tony out there? Or did he tell you the
> concentration?
hi bob
try a 10 per cent solution.
more details can be read in mike ware's book, cyanotype page 127. or you may
wish to consult h. holtzman 's 'alkali resistance of the iron blues,
industrial and engineering chemistry, 37, 9, 1945, pp855-861
apologies for the type.....i spilt coffee on my keyboard.
tony mclean
If you have a moment, please have a look at my web site
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