From: Breukel, C (HKG) (
Date: 03/27/02-02:28:46 AM Z
Sandy King wrote:
> >
> Chris,
> > It was also interesting to see a solarized platinum
> >print going for big bucks...then I wondered, after all this discussion on
> >the list about its being hard to tell the difference between kallitypes and
> >platinum prints, whether that was in fact a platinum print. Presumably if
> >it was Stieglitz that did the piece we know historically his processes he
> >used. But does kallitype bronze?
> Yes, kallitype is very prone to bronze or solarize in areas of
> considerable overexposure.
> Sandy King
..if you are intentionally looking for this effect with Kallitype: The
Kallitype method as written up by Peter Marshall (originally by
Thompson, see B&S web side) is pretty easy for this solarizing. The
silvernitrate is in the developer not in the sensitiser. If the dveloper
get "exhausted" on the silvernitrate, bronzing in the shadows start.. I
save my exhausted developer for those occasions..
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