From: Katharine Thayer (
Date: 03/31/02-03:52:19 AM Z
Keith Gerling wrote: [on February 14, 2002]
> Say, Katherine, speaking of framing gum prints and gallery shows, I have an
> off-the-wall (no pun intended - on second thought, that's pretty good!)
> question for you: I love gum prints. That goes without saying. Love
> everything about them, including the surface of the paper and how the gum
> glimmers in areas where its thicker. Recently, I took the glass out of a
> couple of prints and hung them up, framed, matted, and no glass. I kind of
> like them that way. Is this a totally ridiculous concept for showing and
> selling prints in a gallery setting?
When Keith asked me this question I was toying with the idea of
presenting some of my work unframed and was being gently discouraged by
the gallery owner from doing that. Now that the show I was working on
has opened, I can give a fuller answer to the question. Of the 23 pieces
in the show, 11 are mounted on panels rather than being framed under
glass. They look cool, if I say so myself, and of the five pieces that
sold at last night's opening, three were on panels and two were
traditionally framed. The gallery owner was happy and I don't think I'll
be hearing any more about it.
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