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Re: Rank Beginner....

I have started doing pinhole with home-made tin can cameras  (6x6 in and a large
12x12x16 in) , using paper for the negs. I would be very interested in learning
more about using ortho film-- what kind, exposures, anything...Thanks.

"Gordon J. Holtslander" wrote:

> Hi:
> You do pinhole.  I've been using ortho film to make continuous tone
> negatives from large pinhole cameras.  With the big negatives I can do
> cyanotypes, salt prints, gum prints with no need to produced enlarged
> negatives, or buy a bigger view camera.  Cyanotypes and salt prints can be
> printed in the sun fairly easily.
> The cameras are made from scrap wood and cardboard.  Cyanotype and gum
> chemistry is cheap, (salt print chemistry works out to be around the same
> as buying b&W paper) the ortho film only costs a few cents a sheet.
> I can make alt-proess prints quickly with little expense and no elaborate
> equipment.   This would be a good way of getting started.  Let me know if
> you want more information on ortho pinhole negs.
> Its great fun.
> Gord
> On Fri, 3 May 2002 lwilkinson@schilli.com wrote:
> > I recently signed on to this list.
> >
> > And you're all WAY over my head...I'm a simple b&w guy, some pinhole, etc.
> > looking to expand my horizons.
> >
> > Where's the best source for a weekend overview of alt-photo-processes...kind
> > of like alt-photo-process lab class 101?
> >
> > Thanks, Lou
> >
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Gordon J. Holtslander           Dept. of Biology
> holtsg@duke.usask.ca            112 Science Place
> http://duke.usask.ca/~holtsg    University of Saskatchewan
> Tel (306) 966-4433              Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
> Fax (306) 966-4461              Canada  S7N 5E2
> ---------------------------------------------------------