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Re: Question about 12X20 Banquet Camera

I don't have the detailed data at my fingertips, but K is right that F & S was hooked up w/ EK at some point.  I think it was an out and out "department" or "division" of Kodak at least in like the Twenties when EK was making the wonderful Century Universal 8x10.  I say this because I'm sure that at least for some period the CU was marketed as the Folmer-Schwing Century Universal camera.  Some times on Ebay you'll see an 810 up for auction as a "Folmer-Schwing 8x10," the pictures showing clearly that it is the same thing as a CU, which has quite an unmistakable look.  The Century Company, by the way, which got going guess-when, was absorbed by Kodak earlier, but I'm not sure when. -jb

Kerik Kouklis wrote:


I believe this is a Folmer-Schwing camera. I think F&S may have been a
subidiary of Kodak at some point.


> There is a 12X20 banquet camera for sale now on ebay, at
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1350876186
> I bring this information to the group because the camera is
> advertised as an Eastman Kodak Banquet Camera, and appears to carry
> this infromation on a plate on the front of the camera.
> I knew that Korona (or Gundlach), Folmer and Schwing, B&J, and even
> Deardorf made banquet cameras but this is the first time I have ever
> seen an Eastman Kodak banquet camera of any size for sale. Does
> anyone have additional information about when this camera was
> manufactured.
> Sandy King
> --