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Wash off

Of course, I"M doing everything right.  It's got to be something else!

The Pt/Pd emulsion is washing off in the developer, but I'm still
getting a deep inky black in the overspread - maybe the best black I've
ever gotten.  Go figure.

The conditions:

Brand new ferric oxalate from B&S.

Potassium oxalate developer @ 90, poured on face of print (in near
darkness, as per Dick Arentz).

Clearing in PermaWash (though the wash off has already happened).

Arches Platine hung from a line overnight in 65-70% humidity.

Warmed coating solutions (12 dr part A, 9 dr Pd, 4 dr Pt).  Warmed shot
glass for mixing.

Hake brush soaked in distilled water, then squeezed before coating; or
Dick Arentz' "almost dry brush" technique (no difference).

Brushing until any puddles gone (about 5 min).

Coating allowed to "rest" for 5 min before drying with very low heat
hair dryer for about 10 min, followed by 5 min. rehumidification rest.

4 - 5 min. exposure gives a deep black in the edge, but enough coating
is coming off to turn a pint of developer noticeably greyish just doing
3 test strips and one print.  Even though the edges are black, it stands
to reason that emulsion must be coming off the image areas as well,
weakening them.

Any advice?

Many thanks,
